Typo in README file
StaelTchinda opened this issue · 1 comments
StaelTchinda commented
It seems to be a typo in the code snippet of the Get Started section. The loss is computed based on the logits
and the sampled_labels
(which are obtained from the logits
) however the (groundtruth) labels
should be used instead of the sampled_labels
for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(train_data):
logits = model(images.to(device))
# We compute the 'true' Fisher information matrix (FIM),
# by taking the expectation over the model distribution.
# To obtain the empirical FIM, just use the labels from
# the data distribution directly.
dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
sampled_labels = dist.sample()
loss = criterion(logits, sampled_labels)
jlee4176901 commented
- there is difference between the concept of empirical fisher information matrix, which is known to be biased.
- possible reference to read: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2019/file/46a558d97954d0692411c861cf78ef79-Paper.pdf
- so, it is not a typo. So, I will close the issue.