
TensorFlow Tutorials in making

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

TensorFlow Tuts

Tensorflow is the most starred Machine Learning library on github (last checked on 2nd October 2018) and is generally considered most battle tested library for Machine Learning in prduction! With this repository we are assimilating its knowledge at one single place.

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Directory structure we will be following is:

 |      |---Dataset for every notebook will be in separate folder
 |      |---01-TensorFlowBasics.ipybn
 |      |---other notebooks...

Note: Datasets folder will be gitignored.


S.No. Notebook link What it has in store?
1. 01.TensorflowBasics.ipynb Simple tensorflow examples with differentiation between Static and Dynamic Graphs
2. 02.SingleLayerNN.ipynb Train a single layered linear model for MNIST dataset
3. 03.GradientDescentAndVariants.ipynb Work with various variants of Gradient Descent
4. 04.Tf-keras-API.ipynb Have a look at Keras API
5. 05.ConvolutionalNets.ipynb Learn about how CNNs work


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