
a set of Gulp development and build tasks for Angular apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a set of development and build tasks for Angular apps.


npm install --save-dev bendystraw

in order to use the gulp tasks, run:

npm run bendystraw

which will create a gulpfile.js in your project that requires bendystraw.

you could also copy the /gulpfile.js folder and package.json into your own project.

to see an example of an Angular app using bendystraw, check out the example branch


command description
gulp runs the development server
gulp build builds the app to /build
gulp deploy deploys /build to an AWS bucket
gulp tests runs karma tests
gulp clean deletes the /build and /.dev folders

extra tasks

command description
gulp server also runs the development server
gulp server:staging runs a server with the staging build
gulp server:production runs a server with the production build
gulp build:staging builds the staging app to /build
gulp build:production builds the production app to /build
gulp deploy:staging builds and deploys staging build to an AWS bucket
gulp deploy:production builds and deploys production build to an AWS bucket
gulp images optimize images and put them in the build folder
gulp images:copy copy images from bower components into dev folder
gulp images:optimize optimizes images from source folder and into dev folder
gulp tests:watch runs karma tests and waits/watches for changes

the gulp tasks take care of:

  • development, staging, and production environments
  • angular templatecache for markup files
  • ng-annotate for proper dependency injection
  • coffeescript linting/compiling
  • sass linting/compiling
  • autoprefixing
  • html/js/css minification
  • image optimization
  • wiredep for bower_components
  • inject for bundling js/css
  • karma for testing
  • aws builds/gzip


create a env.json file is similar to:

  "development": {
    "ENV": {
      "API_URL": "https://localhost:3000",
  "production": {
    "ENV": {
      "API_URL": "https://localhost:3000",

then in your Angular app, you can reference it by first requiring the env module, then adding a dependency of ENV.