
Angular2 +Full Stack Multi Tenant Shop - eCommerce Prototype using all latest technologies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular2Shop (Angular eCommerce) (ng2Shop) - Fullstack

Angular2Shop is a multi tenant eCommerce application. The sample site is for home cooked meals, but can be easily accomodate for any product.

#Technology Stack

  • MEAN with Angular2

#Technical Features

  • Oauth2 with google login
  • Authentication and Authorization with Secure Rest Calls
  • GeoLocation
  • Angular2 integration with google map and places api
  • Places Autocomlete
  • Image Dropdown Component
  • File Upload Integration
  • Grapicks Magic and Image Resize
  • Session, Cookies and Local Stogare

#Site Flow and Features

  • Login with google id/local logic


  • Create Shop (Kitchen)/ Create Multiple Shops
  • Add Products/Food Menu to Shop (Kitchen)
  • Manage Orders


  • Search Shops/Products near to his/her location on keyword or preference
  • Local Filter on search results
  • Add to Cart
  • Manage Cart (Add/Edit Items from cart)
  • Confirm Order

Angular2-Shop uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • [Angular2] - HTML enhanced for web apps!Latest Beta Version
  • [TypeScript] - Angular2 with Typescript
  • [Material] - Google Material Desing
  • [Vulgar] - Vulger Cli for Seed Project
  • [Angular-Material and Ng2Material] - For Google Material Desing
  • [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
  • [Gulp] - the streaming build system
  • [Webpack] - build system and HMR (Hot Module Reload)
  • [MongoDB] - NoSQL DB
  • [Google Maps] - Angular2Maps (@dev)
  • [File Upload] - Angular2Upload (@dev)
  • [OAuth2 and Google Auth] - Passport.js (@dev)
  • [Rx] - Reactive JX (Flux) (@dev)
  • [Mobile-Codorva] - Codorva (@dev)


ng2Shop requires Node.js v4+ to run.

You need Gulp installed globally:

$ npm i -g gulp
$ git clone [git-repo-url] 
$ cd project-dir
$ npm i -d
$ npm start

From another terminal

$ gulp serve

### Development

Want to contribute? Great!

This project uses Gulp + Webpack + HMR (Hot Module replacement) for fast developing.
Make a change in your file and instantanously see your updates!

Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.

First Tab:
$ node app

Second Tab:

$ gulp watch

(optional) Third:

$ karma start

More details coming soon.


  • Write Tests
  • Add Code Comments
  • Add more backend (Python-Flask / PHP /Dot Net WepAPI)
  • Integrate with Application Generator to add new models



[vulgar-cli]: [proj]: https://github.com/nawalgupta/angular2shop [git-repo-url]: https://github.com/nawalgupta/angular2shop.git [john gruber]: http://daringfireball.net [@thomasfuchs]: http://twitter.com/thomasfuchs [node.js]: http://nodejs.org [Twitter Bootstrap]: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ [@tjholowaychuk]: http://twitter.com/tjholowaychuk [express]: http://expressjs.com [AngularJS]: http://angularjs.org [Gulp]: http://gulpjs.com