[Quilt Modpack & Mod] A Create centered challengeable modpack inspired by 'Create: Above and Beyond'.
Pinned issues
- 2
#185 opened by SpyC0der77 - 0
[BUG] Can't get a meteorite compass.
#184 opened by heipiao233 - 7
[MOD] Replace Malum with a New Mod
#183 opened by Oganesson897 - 12
[1.0]: Mods Migration
#157 opened by KrLite - 3
[BUG] Server side depends on `equator` mod
#182 opened by JulianVennen - 19
[1.0]: Create Fabric DM-Earth Edition
#165 opened by TexBlock - 1
[BUG]: Essentials Mod not compatiable
#180 opened by Hoosps - 1
[BUG]: Extractor Machine not working
#179 opened by GuilhermeOT - 6
[BUG]: Incompatible with mod essential?
#178 opened by CausalKarma26 - 2
[BUG]: Alchemist Laser Structure Doesn't Work
#169 opened by yukonisen - 2
[BUG]: Crash on opening quest
#176 opened by Phoupraw - 0
- 0
[MOD]: Building Wands
#174 opened by reslRESL - 1
[BUG]: Crash caused by Seared Duct & Fluid Hopper
#173 opened by reslRESL - 0
[MOD]: Time in a Bottle
#172 opened by reslRESL - 1
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
[BUG]: FTB全家桶下载链接问题
#163 opened by safesaffawa - 0
[BUG]: FTB全家桶下载链接问题
#164 opened by safesaffawa - 0
[1.0]: Stability Improvements
#161 opened by KrLite - 1
[1.0]: Core Mod Update
#158 opened by KrLite - 0
[1.0]: Compatibility & Performance Improvements
#160 opened by KrLite - 0
[1.0]: Chapters Update
#159 opened by KrLite - 2
[BUG]: Unable to add datapacks/数据包验证失败
#156 opened by ZZZank - 5
[FEATURE]: 1.19.2 Migration
#145 opened by KrLite - 5
[MOD]: Modern Dynamics
#155 opened by TexBlock - 14
[BUG]: Screen Backgrounds Turning Black
#154 opened by f24816 - 5
- 1
[BUG]: Mods can't download with Prism Launcher.
#153 opened by f24816 - 0
[BUG]: GUI Fighting in Tinker's Anvil
#150 opened by KrLite - 4
[BUG]: Crash on Malum Fire Rite
#144 opened by KrLite - 1
[BUG]: Frame Drop When Rendering a Lot Trading Cards
#146 opened by KrLite - 2
[BUG]: Piglins Ignore Gold Armor on Player
#147 opened by KrLite - 2
[BUG]: Malum Encyclopedia Not Truncating Chinese
#149 opened by KrLite - 1
[FEATURE]: Sync Machine Models With Create `0.5.1b`
#148 opened by KrLite - 1
[MOD]: Open Parties and Claims
#143 opened by KrLite - 3
[Request] 1.19.2 Compatibility
#134 opened by Hexality - 2
Crash on Malum Fire Rite
#139 opened by KaosDragon - 2
add heracles + open parties and claims
#140 opened by OrdinaryCloverOC - 3
- 0
Bump to Create 0.5.1
#142 opened by JieningYu - 2
Insane Frame Drop whenever opening a quest
#141 opened by PikaZushi - 3
Frame rate drops from 60fps to 12fps while crafting and dragged items desync from system mouse cursor
#133 opened by WarpZone32 - 2
Cutting an incomplete kinetic mechanism with a saw through a deployer doesn't work
#129 opened by NyakoFox - 0
#127 opened by Oganesson897 - 2
#123 opened by jiang131072 - 0
#128 opened by TexBlock - 2
Missing early-game recipe for brass
#124 opened by NyakoFox