
Guide for both TensorFlow and PyTorch in comparative way

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A comparative study of TensorFlow vs PyTorch.

This repository aims for comparative analysis of TensorFlow vs PyTorch, for those who want to learn TensorFlow while already familiar with PyTorch or vice versa.

Important Updates


Eager Excution (Oct 17, 2018)
Tensorflow also launches a dynamic graph framework which enables define by run.


Pytorch 4.0 Migration (Apr 22, 2018).
Variable is merged into Tensor. From 4.0, torch.Variable returns torch.tensor and torch.tensor can function as old torch.Variable.

vs. Table

TensorFlow PyTorch
Numpy to tensor - Numpy to tf.Tensor
tf.convert_to_tensor(numpy_array, np.float32)
- Numpy to torch.Tensor
Tensor to Numpy - tf.Tensor to Numpy
tf.convert_to_tensor(numpy_array, np.float32)
- torch.Tensor to Numpy
Dimension check - .shape variable
- tf.rank function
- Automatically Displayed Dim.
- .shape variable in PyTorch

Table of Contents

01. Tensor

1. The Concept of Tensor
[TensorFlow] - Tensors and special type of tensors

(1) What is TensorFlow "Tensor" ?
(2) Special type Tensors
(3) Convention for Tensor dimension
(4) Numpy to tf.Variable
(5) Direct declaration
(6) Difference Between Special Tensors and tf.Variable (TensorFlow)

[PyTorch] - Torch tensor and torch.Variable
Basics for PyTorch Tensors.

(1) PyTorch Tensor
(2) PyTorch's dynamic graph feature
(3) What does torch.autograd.Variable contain?
(4) Backpropagation with dynamic graph

2. Tensor Numpy Conversion

[TensorFlow] tf.convert_to_tensor or .eval()

Numpy to tf.Tensor
tf.Tensor to Numpy |

[PyTorch] .numpy() or torch.from_numpy()

Numpy to torch.Tensor
torch.Tensor to Numpy

3. Indentifying The Dimension

[TensorFlow] .shape or tf.rank() followed by .eval()

.shape variable in TensorFlow
tf.rank function

[PyTorch] .shape or .size()

Automatically Displayed PyTorch Tensor Dimension
.shape variable in PyTorch

4. Shaping the Tensor Variables

[TensorFlow] tf.reshape

Reshape tf.Tensor with tf.reshape
Handling the Rest of Dimension with "-1"

[PyTorch].view() function

Reshape PyTorch Tensor with .view()
Handling the Rest of Dimension with "-1"
Copy the Dimension of other PyTorch Tensor .view_as()

5. Shaping the Tensor Variables

6. Datatype Conversion

7. Printing Variables

02. Variable

1. Creating a Variable

Method 1: tf.get_variable()
Method 2: tf.Variable

[PyTorch] Creating PyTorch Variable - torch.autograd.Variable

The concept of Pytorch Variable

03. Computation of data

1. Tensorflow VS PyTorch Comparison
2. Dynamic Graph and Static Graph

  • There are a few distinct differences between Tensorflow and Pytorch when it comes to data compuation.
TensorFlow PyTorch
Framework Define-and-run Define-by-run
Graph Static Dynamic
Debug Non-native debugger (tfdbg) pdb(ipdb) Python debugger

How "Graph" is defined in each framework?


  • Static graph.

  • Once define a computational graph and excute the same graph repeatedly.

  • Pros:

    (1) Optimizes the graph upfront and makes better distributed computation.

    (2) Repeated computation does not cause additional computational cost.

  • Cons:

    (1) Difficult to perform different computation for each data point.

    (2) The structure becomes more complicated and harder to debug than dynamic graph.


  • Dynamic graph.

  • Does not define a graph in advance. Every forward pass makes a new computational graph.

  • Pros:

    (1) Debugging is easier than static graph.

    (2) Keep the whole structure concise and intuitive.

    (3) For each data point and time different computation can be performed.

  • Cons:

    (1) Repetitive computation can lead to slower computation speed.

    (2) Difficult to distribute the work load in the beginning of training.

  • There are a few distinct differences between Tensorflow and Pytorch when it comes to data compuation.

01 Tensor

Both TensorFlow and PyTorch are based on the concept "Tensor".

However, the term "Variable" in each framework is used in different way.


If you want to declare mutable variable (weight and bias): use tf.Variable
If you want to declare immutable variable (a constant that will never change): use tf.constant


If you want to calculate matrix with torch framework: use torch.FloatTensor
Pytorch merged Variable with Tensor in their release v0.4.0. (Pytorch versions ealier than v0.4.0, autograd and get gradient value were only availabe with torch.autograd.Variable

Let's get into details.

1. The Concept of Tensor

[TensorFlow] Tensors and special type of tensors

Basics for TensorFlow Tensors

(1) What is TensorFlow "Tensor" ?

The concept of "tensor" in Tensorflow is very confusing for beginners. When it says "tf.Tensor", that means "Class Tensor". In addition, there are some special type of tensors.

Unfortunately, TensorFlow's official website Tensorflow Programmer's Guide -Tensor explains this in very confusing way.

Official guide from TensorFlow's website says these three tensors are the most commonly used special type tensors:

The most frequently used data types in TensorFlow:


However, tf.Variable is not internally categorized as "Tensor" according to the class structure that we can see with "type" command in python.

tf_var = tf.Variable([1, 2])
tf_const = tf.constant([1, 2])
tf_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(2, 2))
tf_spts = tf.SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 4])

print('Type of tf.Variable is: ', type(tf_var))
print('Type of tf.constant is: ', type(tf_const))
print('Type of tf.placeholder is: ', type(tf_ph))
print('Type of tf.SparseTensor is: ', type(tf_spts))

Threrefore, the following description would be way less confusing.

  • tf.Variable creates Variable.
  • tf.constant creates Tensor.
  • tf.placeholder creates Tensor.
  • tf.SparseTensor creates SparseTensor (which is similar to Tensor).

(2) Special type Tensors:

There are more special type tensors other than above three. For example, regular type of tensors such as:


These are TensorFlow Tensors.

(3) Convention for Tensor dimension

The following dimension is usually used for batch image source. Dimension index:

Batch x height x width x color-channel

Example 4 -dimensional tensor

my_image = tf.zeros([10, 512, 256, 3])
print('The shape of my_image:', my_image.shape)
print('The type of my_image:', type(my_image))

These are just regular tensor and you can define special type tensor with regular ones.

tf_var0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((2,2)))
print('The shape of tf_var0:', tf_var0.shape)

In this case, type is: tensorflow.python.ops.variables.Variable

(4) Numpy to tf.Variable

Or, you can directly convert numpy into tf.Varialbe (which is tf.Tensor)

tf_var1 = tf.Variable(np.zeros((2,2)))
print('The shape of tf_var1:', tf_var1.shape)

Also in this case, just as in (3), data type is: tensorflow.python.ops.variables.Variable.

(5) Direct declaration

If we want to directly declare tensorflow Tensor, we have to specify

  • shape
  • datatype

to declare a special type tensors. (which is tf.Variable, tf.constant, tf.placeholder... etc)

tf_tensor_ones = tf.ones([3, 4, 4], dtype=tf.float64)
print('Directly declare a Tensor: ', tf_tensor_ones)

Since ones and zeros are Tensors, in this case, data type is: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor.

Okay. Now that we know what are the most commonly used TensorFlow Variables.

Note that this is very different from PyTorch, since PyTorch does not have concept of placeholder or constant.

Therefore, if you want to get the hang of Tenforflow you should know what are the differences between these variables, and their use cases.

Let's find out.

Difference Between Special Tensors and tf.Variable (TensorFlow)

(1) tf.Variable:

  • tf.Variable is the only type that can be modified.
  • tf.Variable is designed for weights and bias(≠ tf.placeholder). Not for feeding data.
  • tf.Variable is NOT actually tensor, but rather it should be classified as Variable to avoid confusion.
  • tf.Variable is stored separately, and may live on a parameter server, not in the graph.
  • tf.Variable should always be initialized before run.
  • Usually declared by [initial value], [dtype], [name]. (There are more arguments...)
mymat = tf.Variable([[7],[11]], tf.int16, name='cat') 
squarish_squares = tf.Variable([ [4, 9], [16, 25] ], tf.int32)

(2) tf.constant:

  • tf.constant holds values that cannot be changed (=Immutable).
  • tf.constant is also designed for weights and bias, but fixed value.
  • tf.constant value is stored in the graph and its value is replicated wherever the graph is loaded.
  • tf.constant does not need to be initialized. (≠ tf.Variable)
const_tensor = tf.constant([[7],[11]], tf.int16, name='cat') 

(3) tf.placeholder:

  • tf.placeholder is designed to store values to be fed, such as images.
  • tf.placeholder will produce an error if evaluated. Its value must be fed using the feed_dict optional argument to Session.run(), Tensor.eval(), or Operation.run().
  • tf.placeholder is usually declared with [dtype], [data shape]
placeholder_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(2, 2))

[PyTorch] Torch tensor and torch.Variable

Basics for PyTorch Tensors.

(1) PyTorch Tensor.

Unlike Tensorflow, the tensor command itself determines the data type.
Then, we feed the python list.


c.f.) In TensorFlow, this would be:

x = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=tf.float32, name="B")
y = tf.Variable([[7],[11]], tf.int16, name='cat') 

Usually, PyTorch Tensor is defined as below.

x = torch.IntTensor(2, 4).zero_()
y = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
print('PyTorch tensor x:', x)
print('PyTorch tensor y:', y)

If you want to use GPU, you can put cuda. before FloatTensor Ex: torch.cuda.FloatTensor

cputensor = torch.FloatTensor([[1,2], [3,4]])
gputensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) 
print('CPU tensor:', cputensor)
print('GPU tensor:', gputensor)

(2) PyTorch's dynamic graph feature

Unlike TensorFlow's tf.Variable, PyTorch's Variable functions differently. This is because PyTorch is based on "Autograd" which enables Define-by-Run type of computational graph. We will deal with this again later.

x_np = np.array([1, 2])
x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_np).type(torch.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True)
print('Torch Variable x: ', x)

We will study about torch.Variable in detail. In this chapter, make sure to understand the difference between torch.Tensor and torch.Variable. The following

print('Type of torch.Varialbe: ', type(x))
print('Type of torch.Tensor: ', type(cputensor))   

(3) What does torch.autograd.Variable contain?

Because of the aforementioned reasons, PyTorch's Variable contains three different entities as below


data: Raw data Variable contains inside the variable.

grad: Gradient obtained from Autograd feature in PyTorch.

creator: Variable remembers how the variable is created and what operation it has gone through. (Creator does not exists as a real variable in the torch.autograd.Variable.)

Unlike TensorFlow, PyTorch Variable (not graph) contains the history of the Variable itself to enable Autograd feature. When PyTorch Variable is declared, .grad and .grad_fn contain None.

print('x.data:', x.data)
print('x.grad:', x.grad)
print('x.grad:', x.grad_fn)

(4) Backpropagation with dynamic graph

However, if the Variables go through some mathematical operation and we use .backward() function to use Autograd feature.

Then we can see what is inside the variables .data, .grad and .grad_fn. ".grad_fn" variable contains the gradient function that has automatically assigned to the operation.

We will discuss about this in detail later. Here, make sure you understand torch.autograd.Variable contains the following variables.

y = x * 2
z = y.mean()
print('y, z contains :', y, '\n', z)
print('After backward() x.data:', x.data)
print('After backward() x.grad:', x.grad)

print('x.grad_fn:', x.grad_fn)
print('y.grad_fn:', y.grad_fn)
print('z.grad_fn:', z.grad_fn)

2. Tensor-Numpy Conversion

[TensorFlow] tf.convert_to_tensor or .eval()

Numpy to tf.Tensor

Numpy automatically sets the datatype as float64.

However, TensorFlow uses float32 as a default. To convert a tf.Tensor from numpy array, use tf.convert_to_tensor()

function as below.

numpy_array = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], np.float32)
tensorflow_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(numpy_array, np.float32)

tf.Tensor to Numpy

If you want to convert tf.Tensor to numpy array, you can evaluate the tensorflow tensor.

evaluated_tensor = tensorflow_tensor.eval()
print('The Source Numpy Array:\n', numpy_array)
print('Tensorflow Tensor Value:\n', tensorflow_tensor)
print('Tensorflow Tensor Type:\n', type(tensorflow_tensor))
print('Evaluated Tensor:\n', evaluated_tensor)

Or you can create a session rather than using interactive session.

tensorflow_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(numpy_array, np.float32)
sess = tf.Session()
with sess.as_default():
    print('The original tensor before conversion: ', type(tensorflow_tensor))
    print('The type of converted tensor: ', type(tensorflow_tensor.eval()))

[PyTorch] .numpy() or torch.from_numpy()

Numpy to torch.Tensor

In PyTorch, the conversion is much simpler. Use torch.from_numpy() function to get a torch.Tensor.

numpy_array = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
torch_for_numpy = torch.from_numpy(numpy_array)
print('The Source Numpy Array:\n', numpy_array)
print('Torch Tensor Value:\n', torch_for_numpy)
print('Torch Tensor Type:\n', type(numpy_array))

torch.Tensor to Numpy

From torch.Tensor to numpy is even simpler than other way around.

numpy_again = torch_for_numpy.numpy()
print('The value of numpy_again: \n', numpy_again)
print('The type of numpy_again: \n', type(numpy_again))

As above, we've got numpy array again.

<Caveat!> This is only the case for torch.Tensor. If you want to convert torch.Variable to numpy, you need to use Variable.data.numpy(). And if it is cuda() variable, you need to use cpu(). We will cover this later.

3. Indentifying The Dimension

[TensorFlow] .shape or tf.rank() followed by .eval()

.shape variable in TensorFlow

Like numpy .shape variable, tensorflow also supports .shape variable.

my_image = tf.zeros([10, 512, 256, 3])
shape = my_image.shape
print('Dimension(shape) of my_image: ', shape)

tf.rank function

The dimension is called "Rank" in Tensorflow. To obtain "rank" value from the tensorflow variable, we should evaluate it through session.

rank_var = tf.rank(my_image)
rank_var_evaluated = rank_var.eval()
print("Printing 'rank_var' does not show rank of the variable.")
print('rank_var:', rank_var) 
print('\nBut after graph run (evaluation) it obtains rank value.')
print('Evaluated rank_var :', rank_var_evaluated)

However, PyTorch does not have the concept of rank_var.eval() type routine for shape checking.

[PyTorch] .shape or .size()

Automatically Displayed PyTorch Tensor Dimension

PyTorch Tensor automatically prints the shape of tensor.

numpy_array = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
torch_for_numpy = torch.from_numpy(numpy_array)
print('If you print it, it shows the dimension - The value of torch_for numpy: \n', torch_for_numpy)

if you print it, it shows the dimension - The value of torch_for numpy:

1 2 3
4 5 6
[torch.LongTensor of size 2x3]

.shape variable in PyTorch

But sometimes we want to get a numerical output. Thus:

print('The dim of torch_for_numpy: \n', list(torch_for_numpy.size()))
print('Get the numbers directly as a python list!: \n', torch_for_numpy.size()[0], ' and ', torch_for_numpy.size()[1])

In addition, in PyTorch you could also use the class variable ".shape" to view the dimension of Tensor, just like in numpy and TensorFlow.

the_size = torch_for_numpy.shape
print('What is in the shape?:', list(torch_for_numpy.shape))

4. Shaping the Tensor Variables

[TensorFlow] tf.reshape

Reshape tf.Tensor with tf.reshape

Sometimes you need to reshape the tensor (e.g. Convolutional layer to full connected layer).

tf_tensor0 = tf.ones([2, 3, 4])  # 3D Tensor variable filled with ones.
print('The shape of tf_tensor0: %s' %tf_tensor0.shape)

Then we feed the number 12 = 3 × 4 to the shape vector to get reshaped Tensor.

tf_tensor1 = tf.reshape(tensor0, [2, 12])  # Make "tensor0" matrix into 2 by 12 matrix.
print('The shape of tf_tensor1: %s' %tf_tensor1.shape)

Handling the Rest of Dimension with "-1"

Furthermore, reshape function supports automatic dimension shaping. Instead of punching in the dimensions, you could put '-1' and let the function figure out the rest of dimension.

tf_tensor2 = tf.reshape(tensor0, [2, -1])  # Make "tensor1" matrix into 4 by 6 matrix.
print('The shape of tf_tensor2: %s' %tf_tensor2.shape)

Or you can specitfy multiple dimension and then set it '-1' to handle rest of the dimension.

tf_tensor3 = tf.reshape(tensor0, [2, 2, -1])  # Make "tensor2" matrix into 4 by 6 matrix.
print('The shape of tf_tensor3: %s' %tf_tensor3.shape)

[PyTorch] .view() function

Reshape PyTorch Tensor with .view()

PyTorch provides with .view() function for reshaping the Tensor.

torch_tensor0 = torch.ones([2, 3, 4])
print('The shape of torch_tensor0:', torch_tensor0.shape)

Handling the Rest of Dimension with "-1"

The usage of .view() is very analgous to tf.reshape() in TensorFlow.

torch_tensor1 = torch_tensor0.view(2, -1)
print('The shape of torch_tensor1:', torch_tensor1.shape)

Copy the Dimension of other PyTorch Tensor .view_as()

Also, view_as() function copies the shape of the input Tensor and shape the corresponding Tensor.

torch_tensor2 = torch_tensor0.view_as(torch_tensor1)
print('The shape of torch_tensor2:', torch_tensor2.shape)

5. Datatype Conversion

6. Printing Variables

02 Variables

In the last session, we learned about the difference between tf.Variables and tf.Tensor. In this chapter, we review tf.Variable which is very essential for tensorflow framework. We also review torch.autograd.Variable type which has been deprecated.

1. Creating a Variable


tf.get_variable() function or tf.Variable Unlike tf.Tensor objects, a tf.Variable exists outside the context of a single session.run call.

And Variable in TensorFlow is one of the most important concept that you should always well aware of to build your own networks.

Method 1: tf.get_variable()

To get the Tensorflow Variable, we can use get_variable function. There are many arguments for get_variable function but usually [name], [dtype], [initializer]. Without dtype, it automatically sets the dtype as "tf.float32". (This is different from python3 numpy, which uses float64 as a default dtype)

tf_variable = tf.get_variable('tensorflow_variable', [1, 2, 3])
tf_variable_int = tf.get_variable('tensorflow_int_var', [1, 2, 3], dtype=tf.int32)
tf_variable_intialized = tf.get_variable('tensorflow_var_init', [1, 2, 3], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer)

Since Tensorflow variable has "name" propoerty, if you declare a Tensorflow variable with same name, you get an error.

However, tf.Variable can be initialized with tf.constant, which is tf.Tensor object.

tf_variable_constintialized = tf.get_variable('tensorflow_var_init_const', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant([1,2]))
print('tf_variable has the type of :', type(tf_variable_constintialized), 'and the shape of :', tf_variable_constintialized.shape)

Method 2: tf.Variable

We can also use tf.Variable() to create TensorFlow variables. This method is similar to pytorch.

tf_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([256, 100], stddev=0.35), name="tf_weights")
tf_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([100]), name="tf_biases")
weprint('tf_biases has type of :', type(tf_biases), 'and shape of', tf_biases.shape)

[PyTorch] Creating PyTorch Variable - torch.autograd.Variable

As we learned from the last chapter, Pytorch is based on the concept of "Variable".

x_np = np.array([1, 2])
x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_np).type(torch.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True)
print('Torch Variable x: ', x)

However, most of the time, Pytorch users use the following convention for the torch.autograd.Variable()

# I recommand you to use this convention so that you can read other people's codes.
from torch.autograd import Variable
x = Variable(torch.randn(3, 2).type(torch.FloatTensor), requires_grad=False)
print('Torch Variable x: ', x)

The concept of Pytorch Variable

Unlike tf.Variable, torch.Variable needs a lot more explanations.

PyTorch's Variable contains three different entities as below


data: Raw data Variable contains inside the variable.

grad: Gradient obtained from Autograd feature in PyTorch. creator: Variable remembers how the variable is created and what operation it has gone through. (Creator does not exists as a real variable in the torch.autograd.Variable.)

Unlike TensorFlow, PyTorch Variable contains the history of the Variable itself to enable Autograd feature. When the a variable is declared, .grad and .grad_fn contain None.

print('x.data:', x.data)
print('x.grad:', x.grad)
print('x.grad:', x.grad_fn)

However, if the Variables go through some mathmatical operation and we use .backward() function to use Autograd feature, we can see what is inside the variables .data, .grad and .grad_fn.

".grad_fn" variable contains the gradiemt function that has automatically assigned to the operation.

We will discuss about this in detail in computation chapter. Here, make sure you understand torch.autograd.Variable contains the following variables.

x = Variable(torch.randn(3, 2).type(torch.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True)
y = x * 2
z = y.mean()
print('y, z contains :', y, '\n', z)
print('After backward() x.data:', x.data)
print('After backward() x.grad:', x.grad)

Also, after excuting .backward() function, .grad_fn variables are assigned with gradient function.

print('x.grad_fn:', x.grad_fn)
print('y.grad_fn:', y.grad_fn)
print('z.grad_fn:', z.grad_fn)

Here, x is not assigned with grad_fn because we started the operation from x.

03 Computaion of Data

1. Tensorflow VS PyTorch Comparison

There are a few distinct differences between Tensorflow and Pytorch when it comes to data compuation.

TensorFlow PyTorch
Framework Define-and-run Define-by-run
Graph Static Dynamic
Debug Non-native debugger (tfdbg) pdb(ipdb) Python debugger

How "Graph" is defined in each framework?


  • Static graph.

  • Once define a computational graph and excute the same graph repeatedly.

  • Pros:

(1) Optimizes the graph upfront and makes better distributed computation.

(2) Repeated computation does not cause additional computational cost.

  • Cons:

(1) Difficult to perform different computation for each data point.

(2) The structure becomes more complicated and harder to debug than dynamic graph.


  • Dynamic graph.

  • Does not define a graph in advance. Every forward pass makes a new computational graph.

  • Pros: (1) Debugging is easier than static graph(Tensorflow, etc.) (2) Keep the whole structure concise and intuitive. (3) For each data point and time different computation can be performed.

  • Cons: (1) Repetitive computation can lead to slower computation speed. (2) Difficult to distribute the work load in the beginning of training.

2. Dynamic Graph and Static Graph

[TensorFlow] Graph and session


What is tf.Graph?

  • tf.Graph should be defined before add operations and tensors, otherwise we use default graph.

  • tf.Graph is needed whenever there are multiple models in one file.

  • tf.Graph contains two informations.

(1) Graph Structure: Nodes(Operations) and Edges(Tensors) of the graph.

(2) Graph Collections: Store all the collections of metadata. Use tf.add_to_collection and tf.get_collection to access thses collections.

  • If we do not specify tf.Graph, TF automatically defines default graph which we cannot see in the code.

  • Node: tf.Operation - Edge: tf.Tensor

  • Each and every tf.Operation and tf.Tensor is added to tf.Graph instacne.

Example 1)

tf_graph = tf.Graph()
with tf_graph.as_default():
    x = tf.constant([1, 2], shape = [1,2])
    y = tf.constant([3, 4], shape = [2,1])
    z = tf.matmul(x, y)    

In the above example: - tf.constant() is a tf.Operation that creates 42.0, adds it to a tf.Graph and returns a tf.Tensor. - tf.matmul() is a tf.Operation that calculates multiplication of x and y, adds it to a tf.Graph and returns a Tensor.


What is tf.Session?

  • tf.Session incorporates operations and tensors. tf.Session also excute and evaluate the operations and tensors.

  • tf.Session takes three arguments, which are all optional

(1) target: The excution engine to connect to.

(2) graph: tf.Graph that session wants to launch. If not specified, automatically links default graph.

(3) config: A ConfigProto protocol buffer with configuration options.

  • Unlike tf.Graph, tf.Session should be placed before the operations.

  • tf.Session.run() function excutes the given operation.

Example 2)

with tf.Session(graph=tf_graph) as sess:
  initialize = tf.global_variables_initializer()

However, Example 2 can be excuted without specifying a graph instance.

Example 3)

x1 = tf.constant([1, 2], shape = [1,2])
y1 = tf.constant([3, 4], shape = [2,1])
z1 = tf.matmul(x1, y1)
with tf.Session() as sess:
  initialize = tf.global_variables_initializer()


TensorFlow supports tf.InteractiveSession() that enables more convenient form of session.

Use tf.Tensor.eval() to obtain the result.

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
x2 = tf.constant([1, 2], shape = [1,2])
y2 = tf.constant([3, 4], shape = [2,1])
z2 = tf.matmul(x2, y2)

[PyTorch] Dynamic Graph

Unlike TensorFlow, PyTorch does not require graph instance or session instance.

Example 4)

a = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([[1,2]]))
b = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([[3,4]]).T)
c = torch.matmul(a, b)

Since there are no graph instance and session instance, the code is much simpler for the same operation.

This operation can be also computed with torch.autograd.Variable. With torch.autograd.Variable, we can compute gradients!

a1 = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([[1,2]])), requires_grad=True)
b1 = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([[3,4]]).T), requires_grad=True)
c1 = torch.matmul(a1, b1)

We can calculate the gradient as below.

print(a1.grad, b1.grad)