
This bundle performs duplicate check against your entities.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

What does this bundle do?

This bundle provides a functionality to perform duplicate checks against your entities. Especially in the CRM context you will encounter in the issue where you database is full of duplicates.


To enable the duplicate check for a given entity just, enable the check via the entity config:

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Config(
 *  defaultValues={
 *      "duplicate"={
 *          "enabled"=true
 *      }
 *  }
 * )
class MyEntity
     * @Config(defaultValues={"duplicate"={"enabled"=true}})
    protected $name:

The bundle will perform a entity check, if an entity is created or updated automatically.

Trigger manually

If you want to perform a check manually, you can use the Facade class. This class performs a check and save the result immediately.

Please beware, that this check will might consume multiple megabyte of ram, depending of you database.

Create your own adapter

Creating your own adapter is really simple. This bundle follows the Adapter Pattern. So just create a class which implements the AdapterInterface and tag this service with the tag "dmk_duplicate_check.adapter".