HTML5/NODE.JS version for Science on a Sphere control. Alternative to iPad software.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Partially funded by NASA grant. Initially developed at Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) with work provided by independant contractor Andrew Strickland as an open-source project for the SOS community. DMNS does not provide any support for this product and encourages community development to grow its capabilities as Science on a Sphere evolves.

If you wish to contribute to the code-base, please make Fork the repo and submit changes for review.

Intention of this product is to provide a platform independent solution for control, allow easy modification for sites, allow site-specific management of the NOAA SOS catalog (custom keywords, organization, user management, etc.), allow for multi-lingual versions and to stay up with current and cutting edge web technologies.

Technologies used - see list-o-tech.md

Installation dependencies:

  • must have Node 10 with NPM (see http://nodejs.org/download/)
  • once this is cloned to SOS computer (as SOS user), go into SOSGui directory and run: npm install
  • create in SOSGui directory a config.json file using the following as an example: { "sosTelnet":{ "host": "", "port": 2468 }, "controlInterface":{ "server":{ "port": 3500 } }, "cmsInterface":{ "server":{ "bind": "", "port": 3510 }, "library": [ "/shared/sos/media", "/shared/sos/rt", "/home/sosdemo/sosrc" ], "playlistFsLocation": "/ml-sos-cms-data/playlists" }, "database":{ "fsLocation": "/ml-sos-cms-data/database" } }


  • "library" locations can be modified if playlist.sos files are stored elsewhere
  • "playlistFsLocation" location can be different. You should manually make this directory location.
  • "fsLocation" location can be different. You should manually make this directory location.

After that run at the command-line (as SOS):

node index.js

To access, use any browser (tested with Chrome):