Employees and Departments


  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone YOUR fork
  • Compete the activity below
  • Push your solution to your fork
  • Submit a pull request from your repository to the turingschool-examples repository
    • Make sure to put your name in your PR!

Iteration 1

Use TDD to create an Employee class that responds to the following interaction pattern.

pry(main)> require './lib/employee'
# => true

pry(main)> bobbi = Employee.new({name: "Bobbi Jaeger", age: "30", salary: "$100000"})
# => #<Employee:0x00007fdfd48af848...>

pry(main)> bobbi.name
# => "Bobbi Jaeger"

pry(main)> bobbi.age
# => 30

pry(main)> bobbi.salary
# => 100000

pry(main)> bobbi.give_raise(5000)
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>

pry(main)> bobbi.salary
# => 105000

Iteration 2

Use TDD to create a Department class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/department'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/employee'
# => true

pry(main)> customer_service = Department.new("Customer Service")    
# => #<Department:0x00007fce46993d58...>

pry(main)> customer_service.name
# => "Customer Service"

pry(main)> customer_service.employees
# => []

pry(main)> bobbi = Employee.new({name: "Bobbi Jaeger", age: "30", salary: "100000"})
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>

pry(main)> aaron = Employee.new({name: "Aaron Tanaka", age: "25", salary: "90000"})  
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46a610a0...>

pry(main)> customer_service.hire(bobbi)

pry(main)> customer_service.hire(aaron)    

pry(main)> customer_service.employees
# => [#<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>, #<Employee:0x00007fce46a610a0...>]

pry(main)> customer_service.expenses
# => 0

pry(main)> customer_service.expense(100)

pry(main)> customer_service.expense(25)    

pry(main)> customer_service.expenses
# => 125

Iteration 3

You have been contracted by the State of Colorado to create a software system that can track its yearly budgets. Specifically, they would like you to implement the following functionality:

  1. Each budget has a year, as well as a way to read that data
  2. A budget can list all of its departments
  3. A budget can list all departments with expenses less than $500
  4. A budget can list all employees' salaries

Build upon your code from the first two iterations to complete this task.

Iteration 4

The State of Colorado has given you additional functionality they would like you to implement. They would like to track which employee is responsible for an expense. They should also be able to total all expenses for which a specific employee is responsible.