
Ansible modules for WebSphere Application Server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A set of Ansible modules that lets you manage IBM packages and WebSphere resources

Motivation of this fork

Unfortunately, the original repository hasn't been maintenanced for years. I'm using this module to automatically deploy HCL Connections and found some bugs. This project should fix them, so that it can be used to deploy CNX. It's also ported to Python 3, where the original one only runs on 2 without modifications.

Getting started

Copy the folder library in this repo to your playbook directory or to ANSIBLE_LIBRARY

$ git clone https://github.com/amimof/ansible-websphere && cp -r ansible-websphere/library <directory>

Module Summary

Module Description
ibmim_installer.py Installs and uninstalls IBM Installation Manager.
ibmim.py Manage IBM Installation Manager packages. Currently supports Install/Uninstall and Update packages.
profile_dmgr.py Creates or removes a WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager or Base profile. Requires a Network Deployment or Base installation.
profile_nodeagent.py Creates or removes a WebSphere Application Server Node Agent profile. Requires a Network Deployment installation.
profile_liberty.py Creates or removes a Liberty Profile server runtime
server.py Start or stops a WebSphere Application Server
liberty_server.py Start or stops a Liberty Profile server



This module installs or uninstalls IBM Installation Manager.


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state false present present, absent present=install, absent=uninstall
src false N/A N/A Path to installation files for Installation Manager
dest false /opt/IBM/InstallationManager N/A Path to desired installation directory of Installation Manager
logdir false N/A /tmp Directory to save installation log file
accessRights false admin admin, nonAdmin Using a root or a user installation


- name: Install
    state: present
    src: /some/dir/install/
    logdir: /tmp/im_install.log

- name: Uninstall
    state: absent
    dest: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager
## Install IIM
  - name: IBM Installation Manager installed
      state: present
      src: /tmp/iimSrc/unpack
      dest: ~/IBM/InstallationManager
      accessRights: nonAdmin
      logdir: /tmp
    become_user: '{{ was_user }}'
## Un-Install IIM
  - name: IBM Installation Manager un-installed
      state: absent
      dest: ~/IBM/InstallationManager
      accessRights: nonAdmin
      logdir: /tmp
    become_user: '{{ was_user }}'


This module installs, uninstalls or updates IBM packages from local or remote repositories


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state false present present, absent, latest present=install,absent=uninstall or latest=update
ibmim false /opt/IBM/InstallationManager N/A Path to installation directory of Installation Manager
dest false N/A N/A Path to destination installation directory
im_shared false N/A N/A Path to Installation Manager shared resources folder
id true N/A N/A ID of the package which you want to install
repositories false N/A N/A Comma separated list of repositories to use. May be a path, URL or both
properties false N/A N/A Comma separated list of properties needed for package installation. In the format key1=value,key2=value
install_fixes false none N/A Install fixes if available in the repositories
connect_passport_advantage false N/A N/A Append the PassportAdvantage repository to the repository list
log false N/A N/A Specify a log file that records the result of Installation Manager operations.


- name: Install WebSphere Application Server Liberty v8
    name: com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85
    - http://was-repos/

- name: Uninstall WebSphere Application Server Liberty v8
    name: com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85
    state: absent

- name: Update all packages
    state: latest
    - http://was-repos/


This module creates or removes a WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager profile. Requires a Network Deployment installation.


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state true present present,absent present=create,absent=remove
wasdir true N/A N/A Path to installation location of WAS
name true N/A N/A Name of the profile
cell_name true N/A N/A Name of the cell
host_name true N/A N/A Host Name
node_name true N/A N/A Node name of this profile
username true N/A N/A Administrative user name
password true N/A N/A Administrative user password
template true management management,default management=dmgr,default=base


- name: Create
    state: present
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: dmgr
    cell_name: devCell
    host_name: localhost
    node_name: devcell-dmgr
    username: admin
    password: allyourbasearebelongtous

- name: Remove
    state: absent
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: dmgr


This module creates or removes a WebSphere Application Server Node Agent profile. Requires a Network Deployment installation.


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state true present present,absent present=create,absent=remove
wasdir true N/A N/A Path to installation location of WAS
name true N/A N/A Name of the profile
cell_name true N/A N/A Name of the cell
host_name true N/A N/A Host Name
node_name true N/A N/A Node name of this profile
username true N/A N/A Administrative user name of the deployment manager
password true N/A N/A Administrative user password of the deployment manager
dmgr_host true N/A N/A Host name of the Deployment Manager
dmgr_port true N/A N/A SOAP port number of the Deployment Manager
federate false N/A N/A Wether the node should be federated to a cell. If true, cell name cannot be the same as the cell name of the deployment manager.


- name: Create
    state: present
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: nodeagent
    cell_name: devCellTmp
    host_name: localhost
    node_name: devcell-node1
    username: admin
    password: allyourbasearebelongtous
    dmgr_host: localhost
    dmgr_port: 8879
    federate: true

- name: Remove
    state: absent
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: nodeagent


This module start or stops a WebSphere Application Server


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state true started started, stopped N/A
name true N/A N/A Name of the app server
wasdir true N/A N/A Path to binary files of the application server
username true N/A N/A Administrative user name
password true N/A N/A Administrative user password


- name: Start
    state: started
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: my-server-01

- name: Stop
    state: stopped
    wasdir: /usr/local/WebSphere/AppServer/
    name: my-server-01


This module start or stops a Liberty Profile server


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state true started started, stopped N/A
name true N/A N/A Name of the app server
libertydir true N/A N/A Path to binary files of the application server


- name: Start
    state: started
    libertydir: /usr/local/WebSphere/Liberty/
    name: my-server-01

- name: Stop
    state: stopped
    libertydir: /usr/local/WebSphere/Liberty/
    name: my-server-01


This module creates or removes a Liberty Profile server runtime


Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
state true present present,absent present=create,absent=remove
libertydir true N/A N/A Path to install location of Liberty Profile binaries
name true N/A N/A Name of the server which is to be created/removed


- name: Create
    state: present
    libertydir: /usr/local/WebSphere/Liberty/
    name: server01

- name: Remove
    state: absent
    libertydir: /usr/local/WebSphere/Liberty/
    name: server01