
POC for sentry team on bug report #435

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Start all containers using docker-compose up -d
  2. Create tables and admin accont: docker-compose run --rm sentry sentry upgrade
  3. Go to http://localhost:9000, create a project of type Node.js

Raven test project

Initial steps

  1. Create an auth token with project:write privilege
  2. Set environment variables by executing . env.sh (note the dot, it will run the script in the current shell environment). For unknown reasons, SENTRY_PROPERTIES doesn't work well.
  3. Verify the auth worked properly by running npx sentry-cli info

Create a release

  1. Build example code: npm run build
  2. Now we've a js source file with corresponding sourcemap in the dist folder:
[daniel@antergos raven-app]$ ls -lh dist
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 daniel users  963 May 17 17:56 main.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 daniel users 2.1K May 17 17:56 main.js.map
  1. Create a release: npx sentry-cli releases new 0.1
  2. Upload artifacts: npx sentry-cli releases files 0.1 upload dist/main.js '~/main.js' npx sentry-cli releases files 0.1 upload-sourcemaps dist
  3. Verify that we see them in http://localhost:9000/sentry/test/releases/0.1/artifacts/
  4. Let the test app crash: RELEASE=0.1 npm start

Now we se an error-report based on the wrong files, which can be prooved by e.g. missing types: bar(name) { instead of bar(name:string): boolean { as it should be. Also the last line contains the reference to main.js.map which is only present in javascript.