
Quick start repo for Entity resolution walkthrough

Siren ER Quick Start

This repository can be used to quickly setup all the neccesary components to complete the Getting Started with Siren ER walkthrough.


  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose
  • Git

Make it go

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/DMcP89/siren-er-quick-start.git
cd siren-er-quick-start
  1. Run docker compose
docker-compose up -d

Running with a license

  1. uncomment the following lines in the .env file
 "CONFIGPATH" : "/etc/opt/senzing",
 "RESOURCEPATH" : "/opt/senzing/g2/resources",
 "SUPPORTPATH" : "/opt/senzing/data",
 "LICENSEFILE" : "/opt/senzing/g2/g2.lic"
 "SQL" : { "CONNECTION" : "postgresql://G2:password@host.docker.internal:5432:G2" }
  1. create the g2 directory under senzing_volume
mkdir senzing_volume/g2
  1. copy your license file to the g2 directory
cp g2.lic senzing_volume/g2/g2.lic
  1. Run docker compose
docker-compose up -d