MyToken Smart Contract

License: MIT

The MyToken smart contract is a simple example of an Ethereum-based token with basic functionalities to mint and burn tokens. It is designed for educational purposes and can be used as a starting point for creating your own token contracts.

Table of Contents


The MyToken contract provides a minimalistic ERC-20-like token implementation with the following features:

  • Token name: "MITONG TOKEN"
  • Token abbreviation: "MGT"
  • Total supply management
  • Minting tokens
  • Burning tokens

Getting Started

To deploy and interact with the MyToken contract, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local environment.

  2. Compile and Deploy: Compile the contract using a Solidity compiler and deploy it to an Ethereum network of your choice. You can use development tools like Remix.

Contract Details

  • Solidity Version: 0.8.18
  • License: MIT


Mint Function

  • Description: Mint new tokens and add them to the total supply and the minter's address balance.
  • Parameters:
    • _address (data type: address): The address of the account minting the tokens.
    • _value (data type: uint): The number of tokens to mint.
  • Visibility: Public

Burn Function

  • Description: Burn a specific number of tokens from the sender's balance, reducing the total supply.
  • Parameters:
  • _address (data type: address): The address of the account burning the tokens.
  • _value (data type: uint): The number of tokens to burn.
  • Visibility: Public