
Multistrand nucleic acid kinetic simulator

Primary LanguageC++


    ___  ___      _ _   _     _                       _ 
    |  \/  |     | | | (_)   | |                     | |
    | .  . |_   _| | |_ _ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __   __| |
    | |\/| | | | | | __| / __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |
    | |  | | |_| | | |_| \__ \ |_| | | (_| | | | | (_| |
    \_|  |_/\__,_|_|\__|_|___/\__|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|

Multistrand is a nucleic acids kinetic simulator, and is developed by the Winfree group at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California (USA). Until 2013, development was lead by Joseph Schaeffer (now Autodesk). The project is currently maintained by Jake Kaslewicz (Riedel group, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-Saint Paul) and Boyan Beronov (Condon group, University of British Columbia, Vancouver).

Official website


Please use GitHub issues for technical problems and questions, and direct more general inquiries to help@multistrand.org.


Multistrand nucleic acid kinetic simulator
Copyright (c) 2008-2024 California Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.
The Multistrand Team (help@multistrand.org)

Using this software is permitted for academic non-commercial purposes only. All copyright is retained by Caltech.

Disclaimer: This software is provided "as is", without warrenty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warrenties of merchantability, fitness of a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.





Dependency Notes
C++11 gcc 8+ or clang 8+
Python 3.9+
NUPACK 4.0.1+

The numpy and scipy Python packages are installed automatically as dependencies, and matplotlib is added if the package extra [tutorials] is specified (see setup.cfg for details).


  • Make sure the requirements above are installed on your host system.
  • git clone this repository into your workspace.
  • Run pip install . in the Multistrand source directory.


  • Make sure the requirements above are installed on your host system.
  • Install xcode commandline tools.
  • Install Python through homebrew.
  • Follow the Linux installation steps.
  • In ~/.bash_profile, edit the $PYTHONPATH to include /Library/Python/<python version>/site-packages.


  • Make sure the requirements above are installed on your host system.
  • Follow the instructions for installing the latest version of the Microsoft C++ Build Tools.
  • Follow the Linux installation steps.

Apptainer container

  • Install Apptainer.
  • Place nupack-<version>.zip into the parent folder of the Multistrand source directory, so that the container build script can unpack and install NUPACK.
  • $> cd tools
  • Build the container: $> sudo apptainer build multistrand.sif multistrand.def
  • In order to enable Multistrand to write its outputs inside a container which is read-only by default:
    • create a container overlay (recommended for new users): $> apptainer overlay create --sparse --size 1024 multistrand.img
    • and/or choose a host filesystem path to bind into the container (recommended for transferring simulation results onto the host system, and for development).
  • Start the container:
    • with an overlay: $> apptainer shell --cleanenv --contain --pwd /dna/multistrand --overlay multistrand.img multistrand.sif
    • and/or with bind paths: $> apptainer shell --cleanenv --contain --pwd /dna/multistrand --bind <src>:<dest> multistrand.sif


For an overview of Multistrand's functionality, see the built-in documentation:

from multistrand import objects, options, system

Further documentation can be found in doc/ and tutorials/, and tutorial files are organized as follows. The folder under_the_hood/ contains in-depth tutorials, and Jupyter versions are located in under_the_hood_notebooks/. The folder case_hybridization/ contains a case study into hybridization kinetics. Additional demo files are located in misc/.


Source tree

The Multistrand library is located under src/. test/ is the test suite, and tools/ provides Apptainer container definitions and maintenance scripts.


To execute the currently maintained portion of the test suite (including some of the small tutorials):

  • Install the test dependencies: $> pip install ".[testing]"
  • Run: $> pytest


As a very quick primer, we discuss two small scripts below.

Hybridization trajectory

A quick test to see if Multistrand is working is to run the following script, which simulates the hybridization of two complementary strands after their initial collision, ending the simulation when the two strands either completely hybridize or separate. Of the example trajectories below, the first dissociates immediately, while the second hybridizes successfully.

$> python tutorials/misc/sample_trace.py
trajectory_seed = -5715420966438951381
                        |   t[us]   | dG[kcal/mol] |     state_seed     
[1] ....(....+.....)... | 0.0000000 |    +1.425    | (25464,59684,28716)
[2] ......... ......... | 0.1576000 |    +0.000    | (25330,19709,56925)

trajectory_seed = 310526192
                        |   t[us]   | dG[kcal/mol] |     state_seed     
[1] ....(....+...)..... | 0.0000000 |    +1.673    | (25464,38385,34799)
[1] ...((....+...)).... | 0.0085160 |    +0.250    | (25330,12050,10454)
[1] ...((...(+)..)).... | 0.3560000 |    +3.517    | (61436,56661,54951)
[1] ...((.(.(+).))).... | 0.3684000 |    +3.050    | (11542,58957, 6710)
[1] ...((.(..+..))).... | 0.4023000 |    +1.474    | (16576,28120,15144)
[1] ...((....+...)).... | 0.4855000 |    +0.250    | (62842,23655,28351)
[1] ...((..(.+.).)).... | 0.5994000 |    -0.307    | (22980,24616,29487)
[1] ....(..(.+.).)..... | 0.9473000 |    +1.116    | (24606, 4540,60208)
[1] .......(.+.)....... | 0.9868000 |    +0.159    | (32520,22898,24482)
[1] ......((.+.))...... | 1.0410000 |    -3.396    | (20738,   26,22167)
[1] ......(((+)))...... | 1.1980000 |    -4.810    | (13452,28387,35652)
[1] ......((.+.))...... | 2.4110000 |    -3.396    | (60454, 5099,63309)
[1] ......(((+)))...... | 2.4260000 |    -4.810    | (15952,15723, 4840)
[1] .....((((+))))..... | 2.6690000 |    -5.362    | (38282,37785,32239)
[1] .....(((.+.)))..... | 3.0420000 |    -3.948    | (41044,14787,55621)
[1] ....((((.+.)))).... | 3.1200000 |    -5.215    | (61742, 6445,28286)
[1] ....(((((+))))).... | 3.2940000 |    -6.629    | (40600,31921,48515)
[1] ...((((((+))))))... | 3.3780000 |    -7.898    | (58130,  569,24364)
[1] ..(((((((+))))))).. | 3.9330000 |   -10.739    | (48412,36746,54017)
[1] .((((((((+)))))))). | 4.0400000 |    -9.787    | (36662,31224, 5118)
[1] ..(((((((+))))))).. | 5.1430000 |   -10.739    | (49120,64760,65291)
[1] ..((((((.+.)))))).. | 5.9350000 |    -9.325    | (22938,33203,29758)
[1] ..(((((((+))))))).. | 6.2090000 |   -10.739    | (43748,43517,36470)
[1] ..((.((((+)))).)).. | 6.3230000 |    -7.244    | (58942,39781, 5464)
[1] ..(((((((+))))))).. | 6.3960000 |   -10.739    | (49704,15159,13700)
[1] (.(((((((+))))))).) | 6.4170000 |    -7.986    | ( 6434,64162, 1081)
[1] (.((((((.+.)))))).) | 6.9630000 |    -6.571    | (35244, 2661,61576)
[1] ..((((((.+.)))))).. | 6.9790000 |    -9.325    | ( 5702,24500, 7381)
[1] ..(((((((+))))))).. | 7.2810000 |   -10.739    | (50544,28713,38771)
[1] .((((((((+)))))))). | 8.3340000 |    -9.787    | (16810,  262,36216)
[1] (((((((((+))))))))) | 8.7590000 |   -12.379    | (31092,26127,57927)

Hybridization rates

The following script estimates the hybridization rate for a strand and its complement. The computation relies on "first step mode" and will only work if NUPACK is correctly installed. Alternatively, dissociation rates can be computed by using dissociation as the first commandline argument. In that case, the dissociation rate is computed indirectly by estimating the association rate, and working out the dissociation rate from the partition function (e.g. k_forward / k_backward = exp(-dG / RT) where dG is the partition function for the complex, R is the gas constant and T is the temperature).

$> python tutorials/compute/rate.py hybridization AGCTGA -bootstrap
2024-04-13 19:17:53   Starting Multistrand 2.2  (c) 2008-2024 Caltech

Running first step mode simulations for AGCTGA (with Boltzmann sampling)...

Start states:
         Name: 'automatic0'
     Sequence: AGCTGA
    Structure: ......
      Strands: ['top']
    Boltzmann: True
  Supersample: 1

         Name: 'automatic1'
     Sequence: TCAGCT
    Structure: ......
      Strands: ['top*']
    Boltzmann: True
  Supersample: 1

Stop conditions:
Stop Condition, tag:SUCCESS
  Sequence  0: AGCTGA+TCAGCT
  Structure 0: ((((((+))))))

Stop Condition, tag:FAILURE
  Sequence  0: AGCTGA
  Structure 0: ......

Using Results Type: FirstStepRate
Computing 1000 trials, using 10 threads ..
 .. and rolling 100 trajectories per thread until 500 successful trials occur.

nForward = 443
nReverse = 357

nForward = 546
nReverse = 454

Found 546 successful trials, terminating.
Done.  0.25239 seconds -- now processing results

The hybridization rate of AGCTGA and the reverse complement is 3.00e+06 /M /s
Bootstrapping FirstStepRate, using 1200 samples.    ..finished in 1.39 sec.

Estimated 95% confidence interval: [2.84e+06,3.16e+06]
Computing took 2.7906 s

Log files

Multistrand automatically creates a logfile that contains some information on the used model, e.g.:

$> cat multistrandRun.log
Multistrand 2.2

sodium        :  1 M
magnesium     :  0 M
temperature   :  298.15 K
rate method   :  3  (1: Metropolis, 2: Kawasaki, 3: Arrhenius)
dangles       :  1  (0: none, 1: some, 2: all)
GT pairing    :  1  (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
concentration :  1 M
Nupack params :  /opt/bitnami/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nupack/parameters/dna04-nupack3.json

Kinetic parameters:
  type          End        Loop       Stack  StackStack     LoopEnd    StackEnd   StackLoop
  A      1.2965e+01  1.6424e+01  1.4184e+01  8.0457e+00  2.4224e+00  1.7524e+01  5.8106e+00
  E      3.4980e+00  4.4614e+00  5.2869e+00 -6.2712e-01  8.4934e-02  2.6559e+00 -1.1276e+00
  R      1.3584e+06  5.3080e+07  3.7097e+04  8.0873e+07  9.5396e+01  2.1242e+11  5.0138e+06

        dS_A        dH_A     biScale        kUni
 -0.0000e+00 -0.0000e+00  1.6006e-02  1.0000e+00

Rate matrix [ concentration . k_bi . k_uni(l,r) ]:
  2.1742e+04  1.3591e+05  3.5931e+03  1.6777e+05  1.8221e+02  8.5980e+06  4.1772e+04
  1.3591e+05  8.4962e+05  2.2461e+04  1.0487e+06  1.1390e+03  5.3747e+07  2.6112e+05
  3.5931e+03  2.2461e+04  5.9378e+02  2.7724e+04  3.0111e+01  1.4209e+06  6.9031e+03
  1.6777e+05  1.0487e+06  2.7724e+04  1.2945e+06  1.4059e+03  6.6342e+07  3.2231e+05
  1.8221e+02  1.1390e+03  3.0111e+01  1.4059e+03  1.5269e+00  7.2053e+04  3.5006e+02
  8.5980e+06  5.3747e+07  1.4209e+06  6.6342e+07  7.2053e+04  3.4000e+09  1.6518e+07
  4.1772e+04  2.6112e+05  6.9031e+03  3.2231e+05  3.5006e+02  1.6518e+07  8.0252e+04

Frequently asked questions


Q: Can I simulate leak reactions using Multistrand?

A: Yes. We have now added a preliminary tutorial, see tutorials/leak_casestudy.


Q: How do I adjust the solvent salt concentrations?

A: Like so. (units are M = mol / litre)

from multistrand.options import Options
o1 = Options()
o1.sodium = 0.05
o1.magnesium = 0.0125