

Primary LanguageShell

Nitrokey Nextbox (WIP)

This repository contains anything needed to build a Nitrokey Nextbox Appliance ready to be flashed on an SD-card for the Raspberry PI4.

How to create a NextBox image

  • Build and flash the raw image using the signed model-assertion
  • Boot into the system and register your account
  • Customize the initialized image

Building and flashing the raw image

Make sure you have the docker daemon running and your current user has permissions to interact with the daemon. To build the flashable image run:

$ make

The image (nextbox.img) will be created in the same directory.

Assuming your SD-Card is /dev/sdc simply run:

$ dd if=nextbox.img of=/dev/sdc

ATTENTION: double check that this is the correct device you write to, or you might end up writing on your system's harddisk.

Booting into the system

After flashing the SD-card, plug it into the Raspberry PI4, connect a display, keyboard and power supply to boot the device up. You will be asked for the network configuration (Nitrokey devices are configured for LAN and DHCP) and a snapcraft account.

The NextBox bought at Nitrokey will have it set to "snapcraft@nitrokey.com", this represents the stock configuration. You are free to use your own Snapcraft account here.

The key-pair registered at Snapcraft for the provided account can be used to login via ssh into the NextBox.

Customize the initialized image

Once the image is initialized, make sure you know the IP of the device (e.g.,

This repository contains custom/init_ssh_nextbox.sh, which will do the remaining configuration via ssh on the Nextbox. To be able to connect via ssh, the init_ssh_nextbox.sh script needs a secrets/ directory, which shall contain the private key (filename: nk_id_rsa) for the registered account.

Example initialization invokation:

cd custom
./init_ssh_nextbox.sh ../secrets/ nitrokey-snapcraft@

This assumes that the private key is inside ../secrets and the Snapcraft user-id is nitrokey-snapcraft with the device being reachable as

The resulting image after this process is the one, which is shipped with the Nitrokey NextBox product.