
Hosts block lists

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Hosts block lists

i am more interested in blocking porn

but if i find anything else i'll be listing it too

Adult.txt: Sites with adult material, also include scam or fake adult sites

The Adult list is being edited constantly, it might have wrong stuff in it, BE WARNED

Sites with # OK have been reviewed and confirmed to be working and have adult material

for a site to get a # OK i have to first review then scrape all links for other sites i can, so some sites are really boring and i can take some time to confirm them

over 6500 Adult sites reached

ads.txt: Advertisements block list

gore.txt: Sites with gore material

removed.txt: sites that have been removed from some list for some reason, or sites that don't work anymore, but might come back some day

useless.txt: Irrelevant websites or designed to be a waste of time