
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CLI Tool to Login in AWS with Azure SSO (SAML), Google SSO(SAML) and AWS SSO

Public Repository Image



git clone git@gitlab.com:dnx-br/utilities/oni-sso.git
cd oni-sso
docker build -t oni-sso:latest .
# or use our public image
docker pull public.ecr.aws/dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest


Usage: oni-sso [options]

  auth-google [options]  Command for login by Google SSO
  auth-azure [options]   Command for login by Azure SSO
  auth-aws [options]     Command for login by AWS SSO
  assume-role [options]  Command for assume role

  -v, --version  Show Version                                         [bool]
      --help     Show help                                            [bool]

You need at least one command


# Azure login. Output credentials in console
docker run -v $(pwd):/work --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest auth-azure -a <appUriId> -t <tenatId> -o console

# Google login. Output credentials in console
docker run -v $(pwd):/work --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest auth-google -i <idpid> -s <spid> -o console

# AWS SSO login (Identity source aws). Output credentials in console
docker run -v $(pwd):/work --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest auth-aws -u <url-sso> -o console

# Assume role
docker run -v $(pwd):/work --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest assume-role -r <role-arn> -o console

# Assume role output profile
docker run -v $(pwd):/work -v /home/<you-user>/.aws/credentials:/profile/credentials --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest assume-role -r <role-arn> -o profile -p dev

# Assume role output one (for one-cli)
docker run -v $(pwd):/work -v /home/<you-user>/.one/secrets:/one/secrets --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest assume-role -r <role-arn> -o one

# Assume role ouput env (for makefile dnx). Create file .env.auth
docker run -v $(pwd):/work  --rm -it dnxbrasil/oni-sso:latest assume-role -r <role-arn> -o env

MFA Support

Provider Support? Types
Google yes Msg Code Text and Voice, Google Requests, Google Authenticate
Azure yes Msg Code Text and Voice
AWS no comming...

Common auth-* and assume-role option

  -o, --output-format     Credentials output format
                 [string] [options: "console", "one", "env", "export", "profile"]
  -d, --duration-seconds  AWS Session duration in seconds[number] [default: 3600]
  -p, --profile-name      AWS profile name          [string] [default: "default"]
  -m, --monitor           Take screenshot of authenticate steps on directory /tmp  [boolean] [default: "false"]

WARNING: assume-role not work with auth-aws

Extra settings

  • Login in AWS use default region us-east-1 if environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is not set
  • To avoid setting the appIdUri and tenantId every time on azure login, export the environment variables AZURE_APP_ID_URI and TENANT_ID
  • To avoid setting the idpId and spId every time on google login, export the environment variables GOOGLE_IDPID and GOOGLE_SPID
  • To avoid input username and password every time, you can export environment variables ONI_USERNAME and ONI_PASSWORD


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Managed by DNX Brasil.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.