👩‍💻 DNX's Personal Portfolio 🚀


Hello there! 👋 Welcome to my personal portfolio repository. This is where I showcase my projects, skills, and a little bit about myself. Feel free to explore and get to know me better!


  • Projects Showcase 🌟:

    • Explore a collection of my latest and greatest projects.
  • Skills & Technologies 🚀:

    • Learn about the technologies I'm proficient in and the skills I bring to the table.
  • Resume & Education 🎓:

    • View my resume and educational background.
  • Contact & Connect 📬:

    • Reach out to me via email or connect with me on social media.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/DNXEMPIRE-1/personal-portfolio.git
    cd personal-portfolio