
.NET ORM for mssql mysql oracle database that light high-performance and easy-to-use

Primary LanguageC#




first define the entity

public class Book
    [Key(IsAutoGenerated = true)]
    public int? BookID { get; set; }
    public string BookName { get; set; }
    public int? AuthorID { get; set; }

    public string AuthorName { get; set; }
    public double? Price { get; set; }

    public DateTime? PublishDate { get; set; }


public class Author
    [Key(IsAutoGenerated =true)]
    public int? AuthorID { get; set; }
    public string AuthorName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public bool? IsValid { get; set; }

then config the connection strings such as demo,DNetContext also receive a ConnectionStringSettings parameter

    public DNetContext(ConnectionStringSettings settings)
        : base(settings)


        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
            var authorid = db.Add(new Author { AuthorName = "jim", Age = 30, IsValid = true });
            db.Add(new Book { BookName = "c#", Price = 20.5, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, AuthorID = authorid });


        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
            var author = db.GetSingle<Author>(m => true, q => q.OrderBy(m => m.AuthorID));
            var effect = db.Delete(author);

            int authorid = db.GetMax<Author>(m => (int)m.AuthorID);
            db.Delete<Author>(m => m.AuthorID == authorid);



        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
            var author = db.GetSingle<Author>(m => true, q => q.OrderBy(m => m.AuthorID));
            if (author != null)
                author.AuthorName = "jim";
                var effect = db.Update(author);
            db.Update<Author>(m => m.AuthorName = "jim", m => m.AuthorID == 1);
            db.Update<Author>(m => { m.AuthorName = "jim"; m.Age = 30; }, m => m.AuthorID == 1);
            db.Update<Author>(m => new Author { AuthorName = m.AuthorName + "123", IsValid = true }, m => m.AuthorID == 1);
            db.UpdateOnlyFields<Author>(new Author { AuthorName = "123", Age = 20, AuthorID = 1, IsValid = true }, m => new { m.AuthorName, m.Age }, m => m.AuthorID == 1);
            db.UpdateIgnoreFields<Author>(new Author { AuthorName = "123", Age = 20, AuthorID = 1, IsValid = true }, m => m.AuthorName, m => m.AuthorID == 1);

4.query (single table)

        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
            var author = db.GetSingle<Author>(m => true, q => q.OrderBy(m => m.AuthorID));

            var book = db.GetSingle<Book>(m => ((DateTime)m.PublishDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == "2017-11-11");

            var authors = db.GetList<Author>(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.AuthorName) && m.IsValid == true);

            List<dynamic> name = db.GetDistinctList<Author>(m => m.AuthorName.StartsWith("jim") && m.IsValid == true, m => m.AuthorName + "aaa");

            List<string> name1 = db.GetDistinctList<Author, string>(m => m.AuthorName.IndexOf("jim") == 2 && m.IsValid == true, m => m.AuthorName);

            var books = db.GetList<Book>(m => SubQuery.GetList<Author>(n => n.AuthorID > 10, n => n.AuthorID).Contains(m.AuthorID));

            books = db.GetList<Book>(m => m.AuthorID >= SubQuery.GetSingle<Author>(n => n.AuthorID == 10, n => n.AuthorID));

            var authorid = db.GetMax<Author>(m => (int)m.AuthorID);

            WhereBuilder<Author> where = new WhereBuilder<Author>();
            where.And(m => m.AuthorName.Contains("jim"));
            where.And(m => m.AuthorID == 3);
            where.Or(m => m.IsValid == true);

            PageFilter page = new PageFilter { PageIndex = 1, PageSize = 10 };
            page.And<Author>(m => "jim green".Contains(m.AuthorName));
            page.OrderBy<Author>(q => q.OrderBy(m => m.AuthorName).OrderByDescending(m => m.AuthorID));
            PageDataSource<Author> pageSource = db.GetPage<Author>(page);

5.query (multi tables)

         using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())

            var books = db.JoinQuery.LeftJoin<Book, Author>((m, n) => m.AuthorID == n.AuthorID && n.IsValid == true)
                .Fields<Book, Author>((m, n) => new { BookName = m.BookName + "123", AuthorName = SqlFunctions.Count(n.AuthorName) })
                .OrderByAsc<Book>(m => m.BookName)
                .GroupBy<Book, Author>((m, n) => new { m.BookName, n.AuthorName })
                .Where<Book, Author>((m, n) => m.Price > 10 && n.IsValid == true && SubQuery.GetList<Author>(n1 => n1.AuthorID >= 1, n1 => n1.AuthorID).Contains(m.AuthorID))

            var join = db.JoinQueryAlias.LeftJoin<Book, Author>((m, n) => m.AuthorID == n.AuthorID && n.IsValid == true)
                .InnerJoin<Book, Author>((m1, n) => m1.AuthorID == n.AuthorID && n.IsValid == true)
                .Fields<Book, Author>((m1, n) => new { AuthorName1 = m1.BookName + n.AuthorName, n })
                .OrderByAsc<Book>(m => m.BookName);
            PageFilter page = new PageFilter { PageIndex = 1, PageSize = 10 };


6.query (sql)

        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
            List<DbParameter> parameters = new List<DbParameter>();

            sql.AppendFormat(@"SELECT {0},A.AuthorName FROM Book B 
            LEFT JOIN Author A ON A.AuthorID=B.AuthorID WHERE", SqlBuilder.GetSelectAllFields<Book>("B"));
            sql.Append(" B.BookID>@BookID ");
            parameters.Add(db.GetDbParameter("BookID", 1));

            PageFilter pageFilter = new PageFilter { PageIndex = 1, PageSize = 5 };
            pageFilter.OrderText = "B.BookID ASC";
            PageDataSource <Book> books = db.GetPage<Book>(sql.ToString(), pageFilter, parameters.ToArray());

            List<Book> bks = db.GetList<Book>(sql.ToString(), parameters.ToArray());

7.db transaction

        using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
                List<Author> authors = new List<Author>();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                    authors.Add(new Author { AuthorName = "jack" + i.ToString(), Age = 20, IsValid = true });

8.distributed transaction

        DNetTransaction transaction = new DNetTransaction();
            using (DNetContext db = new DNetContext())
                List<Author> authors = new List<Author>();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                    authors.Add(new Author { AuthorName = "测试" + i.ToString(), Age = 20, IsValid = true });