
A jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Use with Bootstrap 3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Use with Bootstrap 3




You can see the live demo here:


Since the bootstrapValidator plugin requires jQuery and Bootstrap 3, you have to include the required CSS and JS files to your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bootstrapValidator.min.css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bootstrapValidator.min.js"></script>

Call the plugin to validate the form as following:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(<form Selector>).bootstrapValidator({
        // The default error message for all fields
        // You can specify the error message for any fields
        message: ...,

        // The submit buttons selector
        // These buttons will be disabled when the form input are invalid
        submitButtons: ...,

        // Custom submit handler
        // The handler has two arguments
        // - validator is the instance of BootstrapValidator
        // - form is jQuery object representing the current form
        // By default, submitHandler is null
        submitHandler: function(validator, form) {

        // Live validating. Can be one of 3 values:
        // - enabled: The plugin validates fields as soon as they are changed
        // - disabled: Disable the live validating.
        // The error messages are only shown after the form is submitted
        // - submitted: The live validating is enabled after the form is submitted
        live: 'enabled',

        // The fields which need to be validated
        fields: {
            // The field name
            // It is value of the name attribute
            <fieldName>: {
                // The default error message for this field
                message: ...,

                // Array of validators
                validators: {
                    <validatorName>: <validatorOptions>

The <validatorName> can be the name of the built-in validator which are described in the Validators section


Below is the list of built-in validators sorted in alphabetical order:

Validator name Description
between Check if the input value is between (strictly or not) two given numbers
callback Return the validity from a callback method
creditCard Validate a credit card number
different Return true if the input value is different with given field's value
digits Return true if the value contains only digits
emailAddress Validate an email address
greaterThan Return true if the value is greater than or equals to given number
hexColor Validate a hex color
identical Check if the value is the same as one of particular field
lessThan Return true if the value is less than or equals to given number
notEmpty Check if the value is empty
regexp Check if the value matches given Javascript regular expression
remote Perform remote checking via Ajax request
stringLength Validate the length of a string
uri Validate an URL address
usZipCode Validate a US zip code

The validator options are described in the following section:

(The options masked with * are required)

Between Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
min (*) n/a The lower value in the range
max (*) n/a The upper value in the range
inclusive true Can be true or false. If true, the input value must be in the range strictly

Callback Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
callback (*) n/a The callback method

The callback method must follow the format below:

function(fieldValue, validator) {
    // fieldValue is the value of field
    // validator is instance of BootstrapValidator

    // Check the field validity
    // return true or false

Different Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
field (*) n/a The name of field that will be used to compare with current one

GreaterThan Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
value (*) n/a The number to make a comparison to
inclusive false Can be true or false
If true, the input value must be greater than the comparison one
If false, the input value must be greater than or equal to the comparison one

Identical Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
field (*) n/a The name of field that will be used to compare with current one

LessThan Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
value (*) n/a The number to make a comparison to
inclusive false Can be true or false
If true, the input value must be less than the comparison one
If false, the input value must be less than or equal to the comparison one

Regexp Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
regexp (*) n/a The Javascript regular expression

Remote Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
url (*) n/a The remote URL that responses an encoded JSON of array containing the valid key

StringLength Validator

Option name Default Description
message n/a The error message
min n/a The minimum length
max n/a The maximum length. One of min, max options is required


You can use bower to install BootstrapValidator:

$ bower install bootstrapValidator

Write new validator

A validator has to follow the syntax:

(function($) {
    $.fn.bootstrapValidator.validators.<validatorName> = {
         * @param {BootstrapValidator} validator The validator plugin instance
         * @param {jQuery} $field The jQuery object represents the field element
         * @param {Object} options The validator options
         * @returns {boolean}
        validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
            // You can get the field value
            // var value = $field.val();
            // Perform validating
            // ...
            // return true if the field value is valid
            // otherwise return false

<validatorName> is the validator name. Since the validators are distinct by the names, <validatorName> has to be different with built-in validators.

To apply the validator to particular field:

    fields: {
        <fieldName>: {
            // Replace <validatorName> with the name of validator
            // <validatorOptions> will be passed as third parameter of the
            // validate(validator, $field, options) method
            <validatorName>: <validatorOptions>

To see how built-in validators are developed, you can look at their sources located at the src/js/validator directory.


BootstrapValidator uses grunt to simplify building process.

From the BootstrapValidator root directory, execute the following commands to install the dependent packages (the administrator permission might be required):

$ npm install grunt --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-copy --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev

Then, uses grunt to build:

$ grunt

If you want grunt to generate scripts whenever the original scripts (located in src) change, use the following command:

$ grunt watch

The generated scripts (including source and compressed versions) are placed inside the dist directory.

Release History

Look at the Change Log


Nguyen Huu Phuoc ([Email](mailto: phuoc@huuphuoc.me) / Twitter / Github)

Big thanks to the contributors:


Copyright (c) 2013 Nguyen Huu Phuoc

BootstrapValidator is licensed under the MIT license.