VAYNA is a multilingual VALORANT discord bot that provides player statistics, general information about the game, and more.

Primary LanguageJava


VAYNA is a multilingual VALORANT discord bot that provides player statistics, general information about the game, and more.



All commands work with the slash command function in Discord.

General Commands

  • /help Get general information about the bot and a list of all available commands
  • /feedback Share feedback with the developer of VAYNA

Connection Commands

  • /connection Manage the connection to your Riot Games account and its visibility

Statistic Commands


  • /stats user <@user> Get stats of a Discord user
  • /stats riot-id <name> <tag> Get stats of a Riot ID
  • /stats me Get your stats
  • /leaderboard Get a list of the top 20 players on this server

Context Commands (Right-click user)

  • Stats Get the stats of a Discord user

Information Commands

  • /map <name> Get detailed information about a specific map
  • /agent <name> Get detailed information about a specific agent
  • /gamemode <name> Get detailed information about a specific game mode
  • /weapon <name> Get detailed information about a specific weapon
  • /store Get detailed information about the bundles currently available in the store
  • /status Get detailed information about the current status of the game
  • /patch Get information about the latest patch
  • /vote Get a link to vote for VAYNA on Top.gg

Administrative Commands

  • /settings Manage the settings of this server

Used APIs


If you have any questions, you can contact me: