a little problem in plotConcHist, plotConcHistBoot, plotFluxHist, and plotFluxHistBoot

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The problem is this. When the user doesn't specify an upper limit to the yaxix (concMax, or fluxMax) the code doesn't look at the genConc or genFlux values to pick up a suitable upper limit for the axis. I am sure this comes about because we didn't make a change to this when we implemented WRTDSKalman as an option. The consequence of this is that it is quite possible for these functions to generate plots that fail to show some of the higher values. I've had that happen to me. Fortunately I noticed a problem and could fix it by adding the concMax or fluxMax arguments. but we need to make it automatic.

Thanks. Bob

There is code in those functions that look to me like they incorporating both the regular and generalized values to get a max y value.

Could you give me an eList where you see this happening?