Visualizing the impacts of hurricane Harvey through precipitation and streamflow data.
- aaarcher-usgsUnited States Geological Survey
- Adolfo2010
- CIDA-JenkinsUSGS Center for Integrated Data Analytics
- cnell-usgs
- dblodgett-usgsU.S. Geological Survey
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eread-usgs
- jhcloos
- jiwalker-usgs@USGS-OWI
- jordansreadConsortium of Universities for the Advancement for Hydrologic Science, Inc.
- jzwartU.S. Geological Survey, Data Science Branch
- kziemskiQCOMPUTE
- ldecicco-USGSU.S. Geological Survey
- lindsayplattMadison, Wisconsin, USA
- mbucknellUSGS - Water Mission Area - Decision Support Branch