OVERTURE is based on the DOREMUS model that allows a detailed description of a musical work and the events associated with it (creation, execution, etc.). It allows the user to go through the musical database easily.
It connects with a Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint and gets the data using SPARQL queries.
The application is online at http://overture.doremus.org.
Some interesting page to visit for go deep in the richness of DOREMUS data are available here.
The SPARQL 1.1 Query Language allows to query datasources of RDF triples.
Run (dev mode)
Install some global packages
npm install -g nodemon typings
In application folder
npm install npm start
Build for production
npm run build
The project contains two main folders: server
that contains the Node.JS/Express application, and src
that contains the Angular app that runs on the client.
Run (production mode)
Run production mode (UNIX)
npm install --production
npm run prod
Run production mode (Windows)
npm install --production
set NODE_ENV=production
node index
docker build -t doremus/overture .
docker run -d -p 5050:3333 --restart=unless-stopped -v /var/nodejs/overture/config:/config --name overture doremus/overture
docker stop overture
docker rm overture # remove from available containers
docker rmi doremus/overture # remove from images