
Characters created from numbers and letters that give personality to your tweets and posts.


Characters,objects and special effects created from numbers and letters that give personality to your tweets and posts. A project created by the Kondu team.

Do I need permission to use them?✋

No, all grammojis (characters) can be used by anyone for anything. Plus you can apply any changes you want.💪

Is this a for-profit project?💰

No, the grammojis movement is an open source project (created by the Kondu team) for everyone to use.

Why should I contribute?

If you are a designer✏️ you can show off your skills by designing a Grammoji. If you are a Github beginner you can build a Grammoji to learn how to use Github. Here is a useful link for beginners https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/ And here is the contribution file.https://github.com/kondureal/Grammojis/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md