
A php library that is a wrapper around the PhpSpreadsheet library.

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Excel v2

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A php library that is a wrapper around the PhpSpreadsheet library.

composer require dprmc/excel

Usage: Create a Simple Spreadsheet

Below is an example showing usage of this class.

You can see we create a couple of associative arrays:

  • $rows
  • $totals

This library will take the keys from the $rows array, and make those the column headers.

If the output file already exists, this method will append a timestamp at the end to try to make a unique filename.

$rows[]     = [
    'CUSIP'  => '123456789',
    'DATE'   => '2018-01-01',
    'ACTION' => 'BUY',
$totals     = [
    'CUSIP'  => '1',
    'DATE'   => '2',
    'ACTION' => '3',

$options = [
    'title'    => "Sample Title",
    'subject'  => "CUSIP List",
    'category' => "Back Office",

$pathToFile = Excel::simple( $rows, $totals, "Tab Label", '/outputFile.xlsx', $options );

Usage: Create an Advanced Spreadsheet

Below is an example showing usage of this class.

You can see we create multiple associative arrays:

  • $rows
  • $totals
  • $options
  • $columnDataTypes
  • $columnsWithCustomNumberFormats
  • $columnsWithCustomWidths
  • $styles

The '$columnDataTypes' optional associative array parameter will apply the value of the array as the Data Type to the column cells corresponding to the array key.

The '$columnsWithCustomNumberFormats' optional associative array parameter will apply the number format value of the array to the column cells corresponding to the array key.

The '$columnsWithCustomWidths' optional associative array parameter will apply the width value of the array to the column cells corresponding to the array key.

The '$styles' optional associative array parameter will apply the style values of the $styles array to the corresponding column headers, non-header cells, or to a specific cell.

Additionally, an optional boolean parameter '$freezeHeader' will determine if the header row will be frozen. Defaults to 'TRUE'.

If the output file already exists, this method will append a timestamp at the end to try to make a unique filename.

$rows[]     = [
    'CUSIP'  => '123456789',
    'DATE'   => '2018-01-01',
    'PRICE'  => '123.45',   
    'ACTION' => 'BUY',
    'FORM'   => '=IFERROR(((E2-D2)/D2),"")'
$totals     = [
    'CUSIP'  => '1',
    'DATE'   => '2',
    'PRICE'  => '3',
    'ACTION' => '4',
    'FORM'   => '5'

$sheetName = 'Sheet Name';
$pathToFile = '/outputFile.xlsx';
$options = [];

$columnDataTypes = [
    'CUSIP' => DataType::TYPE_STRING,
    'DATE'  => DataType::TYPE_STRING,
    'PRICE' => DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC,
    'FORM'  => DataType::TYPE_FORMULA
$columnsWithCustomNumberFormats = [
    'FORM'  => NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER
$columnsWithCustomWidths = [
    'CUSIO' => 50,
    'PRICE' => 75,
    'FORM' => 100
$styles = [
    'CUSIP'   => [ 'font' => [ 'bold' => TRUE ] ], // Apply style to column header
    'CUSIP:*' => [ 'borders' => [ 'top' => [ 'borderStyle' => 'thin'] ] ], // Apply style to all column rows except header row
    'DATE:4'  => [ 'fill' => [ 'fillType' => 'linear', 'rotation' => 90 ] ] // Apply style to cell in column and specified row 

$freezeHeader = TRUE;
$pathToFile = Excel::advanced( $rows, $totals, $sheetName, $pathToFile, $options, $columnDataTypes, $columnsWithCustomNumberFormats, $columnsWithCustomWidths, $styles, $freezeHeader );

Usage: Reading a Spreadsheet into a PHP Array

Pass in the path to an XLSX spreadsheet and a sheet name, and this method will return an associative array.

/**  Define a Read Filter class implementing \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\IReadFilter  */
class MyReadFilter implements \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\IReadFilter
    public function readCell($column, $row, $worksheetName = '') {
        //  Read rows 1 to 7 and columns A to E only
        if ($row >= 1 && $row <= 7) {
            if (in_array($column,range('A','E'))) {
                return true;
        return false;
/**  Create an Instance of our Read Filter  **/
$filterSubset = new MyReadFilter();

$pathToWorkbook = '/outputFile.xlsx';
$sheetName = 'Security_Pricing_Update';
$array = Excel::sheetToArray($pathToWorkbook, $sheetName, $filterSubset);