
JS pub/sub implementation that only allows for specific topics to be used.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Linux Build Status Windows Build Status Coverage Status

A JS pub/sub implementation that only allows for specific topics to be used. Works in Node.js and web browsers.

This project adheres to the standard coding style (click below for more information):


Justification for yet another pub/sub library...

I don't like using pubsub with string values for topics. I think that's just silly. I prefer using known, domain-specific values, which can be defined ahead of time, and referenced as a property of the instance (like an enumeration of sorts). I found myself writing the same boilerplate code over and over again to achieve this goal, and finally decided to build it into an NPM module.

And now for something completely different, I added a unique feature that I haven't (yet) found elsewhere...the ability to use pub/sub as a simple asynchronous request/response mechanism. It's kind of like RPC, but entirely within your application. Instead of requireing or importing other modules and calling methods on them, you can instead set them up to listen for specific messages, and then use the respond method to provide a direct answer to the caller (instead of simply saying a message back to all listeners). This allows for a further level of abstraction or de-coupling, where appropriate. Please refer to the API documentation below for more information and examples.

Getting Started

Install via NPM:

npm install @dpassarelli/topico

Or Yarn:

yarn add @dpassarelli/topico

And add the reference inside your project's code:

import pubsub from '@dpassarelli/topico' // or const pubsub = require('@dpassarelli/topico')

pubsub.listen(pubsub.topics.INFO, (info) => {

pubsub.say(pubsub.topics.INFO, 'hello, world!') // -> prints "hello, world!" on the console


The object exported by this module acts as a singleton. There is no provision for multiple instances.


topics {Object}

The list of available topics are enumerated as the keys (properties) of this dictionary. The dictionary is frozen, thus immutable. The only way to add new entries is by calling the addTopic() method.

By default, this dictionary includes the keys INFO and ERROR.

requestTTL {Number}

The number of milliseconds to wait for a request to be fulfilled (see below). The default value is 4200.


addTopic({Array|String}) returns {undefined}

Adds one or more topics to the enumeration. You can call addTopic from anywhere in your code, but a topic can't be referred to before it has been added. As a result, it might be a good idea to add topics near the beginning of your application's entry point.

Note that all topics are converted into UPPER CASE before being added, and attempts to add an existing topic more than once will be safely ignored.


pubsub.addTopic(['SESSION', 'User', 'log']) // this will result in new entries SESSION, USER, LOG

pubsub.addTopic('USER') // this will be safely ignored

pubsub.say(pubsub.topics.User, 'welcome') // this will throw an error, since `USER` exists, not `User`

say({Symbol}, {any}) returns {undefined}

Publishes data for a particular topic. All subscribers will be notified.

The first parameter to say must be a valid key from topics. Anything else, including any key not defined in topics, will throw an error.

The second parameter can be any data type. This value may be referred to as the "payload" elsewhere is this documentation.


pubsub.say(pubsub.topics.ERROR, { timestamp: new Date(), sessionId: 'foo', userId: 'bar', error: e }) // OK

pubsub.say(error, {}) // throws
pubsub.say('ERROR', {}) // throws
pubsub.say(pubsub.topics.DNE, {}) // throws, assuming `DNE` has not already been added to the enum

listen({Symbol}, {Function}) returns {undefined}

Adds a subscription for a particular topic.

All functions are called asynchronously, and their order is not specified.

listenOnce({Symbol}, {Function}) returns {undefined}

Adds a one-time subscription for a particular topic.

Once this function executes, it will be removed, and cannot be called more than once.

listenFor({Symbol}, {primitive|RegExp}, {Function}) returns {undefined}

Adds a subscription for a particular topic that will automatically cancel after the specified primitive value is received, or that matches the specified regular expression.

This has the same behavior as listenOnce(); however, the callback will only be triggered once the specified value is seen (or matched).

cancel({Symbol}) returns {undefined}

Removes all registered listeners for the specified topic.

cancelAll() returns {undefined}

Removes all registered listeners on all topics.

This may not be needed in production code, but it helps with clean up when testing.

request({Symbol}, {any}) returns {Promise}

Request a specific piece of information from a subscriber. The subscriber must reply using the respond method, not say. The promise will resolve with the value passed into respond.

This method wraps the say method, passing along a special payload to all listeners registered on the specified topic. This special payload is a plain object with the following properties:

Property Type Purpose
trackingNo {String} A unique identifier for this request. When a listener wants to act on this request, it should call the respond method with the value of __trackingNo__ as the first parameter.
query {any} The second parameter passed into request.

The returned promise will be fulfilled with whatever value is passed into respond with the same tracking number, otherwise it will be rejected if no response is made within requestTTL seconds. This ensures that the promise will resolve one way or another within a definite period of time.

See below for a code example.

respond({String}, {any}) returns {undefined}

Responds to a previously requested piece of information.



pubsub.listen('USER_DATA', (payload) => {
  if (payload.trackingNo) {
    // do some action based on payload.query
    pubsub.respond(payload.trackingNo, answer)

  .request(pubsub.topic.USER_DATA, { foo: bar })
  .then((answer) => {
    // this receives whatever value was passed into `respond`
  .catch((err) => {
    // you will end up here if `respond` isn't called within `requestTTL` ms (by default, 4200)
    // err.message === 'No response received within the required time limit.'


Please refer to LICENSE.