
Materials related to security: docs, checklists, processes, etc...

Primary LanguageSolidity

Repo for public materials related to OUSD security.

Table of Contents

  1. Defi incident reports
  2. Security materials
  3. Checklists
  4. Tools
  5. External audits

Defi incident reports

Security materials





Slither is a static analysis tool for Solidity contracts.

How to run it

pip3 install slither-analyzer
cd origin-dollar/contracts
yarn install
yarn run slither

Updating Slither DB

yarn run slither --triage

Running this command will open an interactive console where you can select the errors/warning that you want to be excluded. Once done, commit and push the updated Slither DB file. Note: make sure you are running the latest version of slither on your local.


Echidna is a test fuzzer for Solidity contracts.

The Echnida tests for the OUSD contracts are under contracts/contract/crytic.

How to run it

On MacOS and Linux, download the latest pre-compiled binaries from here. Untar the files in a directory and add the path where the echidna-test binary was extracted to your shell's PATH.

To run the tests:

cd origin-dollar/contracts
yarn run echidna

Note that the tests take about ~30min to run.


External audits

See this directory

Bug bounty program