
"CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM", as the name implies, is a software designed to manage numerous activities in a Cafe. The project we're working on performs a variety of activities, including management functions such as sales, purchasing, stock management, financial records and many more. Other tasks that we would include are our customer service functions that assist the institution in collecting feedback from clients, food preparation statements, menu modification based on consumer requests, and so on.

We will include an id and password for each individual employee, which will aid the institution in enhancing security and storing a record of all activities, allowing the institution to understand if any unethical practices are taking place. Using their own office id and password, a manager or staff member can enter the restaurant management system. They are the only ones who have access to the database. The information is easily accessible, along with an intuitive user interface. For personal usage, the data is well-protected, and its processing is quick.

Using our software to complete all of these duties can save the cafe it’s time and fund by reducing the amount of effort and money it spends on labour.