
This project inserts DLMF and DRMF macros into unprocesssed TeX based on the regular expressions specified in function_regex.txt.


To make the replacements, you should run with the input and output files as arguments. The -c option allows you to specify a configuration file other than function_regex.txt.

###Regular Expressions

In order to add new macros/replacements to the functionality of the program, one must edit the function_regex.txt file. Entries in the file are in the following form:



  • macroformat is a template for what the macro should look like in the output file (i.e. pochhammer{a}{n})
  • macroidentifier is a 1-3 character "code" to help identify occurences of the macro
  • regex_1 - regex_n are the Python regular expressions that will be used to identify TeX that should be replaced with the macro (a full reference for regular expressions in Python can be found here).
  • replacement_1 - replacement_n are the replacements for each corresponding regular expression. Backreferences are supported.
  • fullname is a formal name/short description for the function