
Structured shrinking of unknown file formats

Primary LanguagePython

Structured Shrinking

structureshrink is a program and library that attempts to find structure in a file and uses it to produce smaller examples of the same sort of file.

It considers an example smaller if it contains strictly fewer bytes, or if it has the same number of bytes but is lexicographically smaller treated as a sequence of unsigned 8 bit integers (currently structureshrink only does a small amount to shrink with regards to the latter)


Rather than shrinking with respect to a single predicate, structureshrink insteads shrinks with respect to a classification. It takes a function that maps data to a label. It then tries to produce the smallest example for each label.

For a command line invocation the label should usually be the exit status of the program. For library usage it can be any hashable python value.

This has a couple advantages:

  1. It allows you to detect interesting failures that might occur doing the course of shrinking.
  2. Attempts to shrink one label can result in shrinking another label. This potentially allows escaping local minima.

Core Algorithm

At its heart, structureshrink uses a sequence minimisation algorithm. For long sequences it uses something that is essentially a light optimisation on Delta Debugging. For shorter sequences it tries slightly harder to delete all sub-intervals of the sequence (it only does this for shorter sequences because this is an intrinsically O(n^2) operation).

So far, so uninteresting.

The interesting feature of structureshrink is how this algorithm is applied.

structureshrink extracts a sequence of interesting ngrams from the string. An ngram is interesting if it appears at least max(2, n) times in the string.

There's no particularly principled reason for this choice, except that it seems to work and it bounds the number of ngrams. A fixed threshold tends to get a bit excited on highly repetitive data.

We also remember previously useful ngrams and try those even if they don't satisfy the criterion for the current string. This allows us to infer structure and then make use of it even when it has become less obvious.

Once we have these ngrams we do several things with them:

  1. We split the data by the occurrences of each ngram in it. We then try to shrink the sequence of splits by the property that joining by the ngram satisfies the desired criterion.
  2. We split the data by the occurrences of each ngram in it. We then try to shrink the ngram (bytewise) such that joining the splits together by that ngram satisfies the criterion.

Ngrams are processed in the following order (based on the current best at the time of calculation. These are not updated as we go):

  1. Longer ngrams are processed first
  2. Given two ngrams of the same size, process the ones such that smallest element of the split is of longest length (because this is the smallest amount of data that can be deleted on a successful shrink, so doing these first gets us to smaller strings faster).
  3. Given two ngrams of the same length and the same smallest split size (this usually only happens once the ngrams are length one or two), pick the one with the fewest splits (because at this stage we're usually more concerned with sequence minimizer performance than worst case guarantees).

We also have additional more naive phases:

  1. Simply apply the sequence shrinking algorithm bytewise to the data

We go through these phases in sequence. Each time a phase produces useful changes we go back to the beginning rather than moving on to the next phase.

We stop once no phase produces a change.

Advantages of structureshrink

Because structureshrink detects the features it needs from the file rather than proceeding linewise, it is able to cope with a much wider range of file formats, both text and binary.

It also produces much smaller examples than simple linewise or space wise deletion - for example I've seen it happily rename variables in a C++ program despite knowing literally nothing about the grammar of C++.

This can also be a downside, as aggressively minimized programs are not very readable. To compensate for that structureshrink lets you specify a preprocessor for formatting your data (e.g. clang-format). This runs before shrinking, and can also have the advantage that it speeds up the shrink by removing useless shrinks (at least, as long as your preprocessor is faster than your test program).


There's a library and a commannd line tool. Neither are what I would describe as documented.

To use the command line tool run:

python setup.py install

This will require Python 3.4+.

You can now use the structureshrink command.

Usage is that you pass it a file to be shrunk (this will have its contents replaced and a backup file created) and a command to run. The results will be in the 'shrinks' directory, one per exit status for the command seen.

Development status

Somewhere between "Research prototype" and "Usable tool", but much closer to the first one. It seems to work pretty well, and it's not completely fragile, but it's definitely rough around the edges. It's certainly not going to maintain backwards compatibility.

It's not particularly well tested right now (by my standards it barely counts as tested at all), so it's probably broken in amusing ways.