[NAACL 2022 Findings]Specializing Pre-trained Language Models for Better Relational Reasoning via Network Pruning

Primary LanguagePython

Exploring and Exploiting Latent Commonsense Knowledge in Pretrained Masked Language Models

Codebase for the paper "Exploring and Exploiting Latent Commonsense Knowledge in Pretrained Masked Language Models".

Note: under maintenance, will be complete soon.

Current supported models:

  • DistilBERT-base
  • BERT(base, large, etc.)
  • RoBERTa(base, large, etc.)
  • MPNet

Prepare the codebase

git clone https://github.com/DRSY/LAMP.git && cd LAMP
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run pruning and probing

Specify parameters about probing experiments in a separate params file, then run:

make -f Makefile probe

detailed hyperparameters can be found in probe.sh.


Specify parameters about GLUE experiments in a separate params file, then run:

make -f Makefile glue

Clean the log files

make -f Makefile clean

detailed hyperparameters can be found in glue.sh.