
Unified API Definition - API Servers | AppSeed


API Server Unified

This document describes the unified defintion used by all API servers provided by AppSeed. This internal standard is used by all full-stack products, despite the UI or backend technology.

API Servers aligned to use it:

UI Products aligned to use it:

For more information or support please access the AppSeed platform or chat directly with support team on Discord.

API Information

Interface descriptor - POSTMAN collection format

    • /api/users/register: create a new user
    • /api/users/login: authenticate an existing user
    • /api/users/logout: delete the associated JWT token
    • /api/users/checkSession: check an existing JWT Token for validity
    • /api/users/edit - edit the information associated with a registered user

API Server Unified - Internal API Interface definition used by AppSeed App Generator