
OOM Project by Rishi, Nijval and Devam(IIT2022013,IIT2022033,IIT2022035)

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


OOM Project - 9 box puzzle
Made by -

  1. Devam Desai (IIT2022035)
  2. Rishi Upadhyay (IIT2022013)
  3. Nijval Chaudhari (IIT2022033)

9-Box Puzzle Game

Welcome to the 9-Box Puzzle Game! This Java-based puzzle game provides a challenging and entertaining experience as you try to arrange the numbered tiles in the correct order within a 3x3 grid.

Table of Contents


  • The java program used to make the game can only run in a NetBeans environment.
  • You can download the JAR file in the main branch to run it directly.
  • Code is available in the master branch

Here are the rules for playing the 9-Box Puzzle Game:

Rules of the 9-Box Puzzle Game

  1. Objective: The goal of the game is to arrange the numbered tiles in ascending order within the 3x3 grid.

  2. Tile Movement:

    • Tap on the button to swap that particular tile/box with an empty space.
    • Only adjacent tiles to the empty space can be moved.
  3. Initial State:

    • The puzzle starts with a randomized arrangement of the numbered tiles and one empty space.
  4. Arrangement:

    • Arrange the tiles in ascending order from 1 to 8 within the 3x3 grid.
    • The empty space should be at the bottom right corner.
  5. Victory Condition:

    • You win the game when you successfully arrange all the tiles in the correct order.
  6. Ending the Game:

    • The game ends automatically when the player achieves the correct arrangement.
  7. Restarting the Game:

    • To play again, restart the game by running it from the beginning.
  8. Tips:

    • Plan your moves strategically to avoid getting tiles trapped in corners.
    • Experiment with different move sequences to find the most efficient solution.
  9. Challenge Yourself:

    • Try to solve the puzzle in as few moves as possible for an added challenge.

Enjoy the 9-Box Puzzle Game and have fun solving the puzzle!


  • Interactive Gameplay: Navigate the puzzle using simple arrow keys.
  • Randomized Initial State: The puzzle starts with a randomized arrangement for added challenge.
  • Winning Condition: Receive a victory message when you successfully solve the puzzle.


If you'd like to contribute to the development of the 9-Box Puzzle Game, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/new-feature.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add new feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/new-feature.
  5. Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Happy Puzzling! 🎮

Note that the source code is available in the master branch