
Intro to Software Engineering (SWEN 261) Fall 2016 semester project at RIT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Target Platform
    - Windows 7
    - Python 3.4.3 installed
    - Django 1.9.1 installed
    - Sqlite 3.8

    - Python 3.4.3 executable exists in path

Installation Steps

TurnKey (Auto run)
-Unzip healthnet in target folder
-double click on turnkey.bat
Manual installation
    - Unzip healthnet in target folder
- Open a cmd window in the healnet root directory, it will be folder containing manage.py
- type in command "pip install pillow" wait for it to finish
- type in command "python manage.py makemigrations" wait for it to finish
- type in command "python manage.py migrate" wait for it to finish
- type in command "python manage.py shell < build_test_db.py" this creates default/basic users


Starting The System Automatic
    - Go to healthnet root directory
    - run turnkey.bat
    - In a web browser navigate to localhost:80/
Starting The System Manually
    - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, it will be the folder containing manage.py
    - Type "python manage.py runserver"
    - In a web browser navigate to localhost:8000/

Resetting the database
    - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, the same directory as manage.py
    - Type "python manage.py shell < build_test_db.py"

Default Users
    These uses can be used to test the system
    Doctor - Doctor Strange, username: drstrange and password: pass
- Doctor Normal, username: drnormal and password: pass
    Nurse - Nurse Normal, username: nursenormal and password: pass
    Patient- Patient Zero, username: patientzero and password: pass
- Patient One, username: patientone and password: pass
Hospital Administrator - Kid Cudi, username: cudi and password: pass

Creating an Admin account
    - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, it will be the folder containing manage.py
    - Type "python manage.py createsuperuser"
    - Follow the prompts
    - Once done you can login to the admin after starting the system by navigating to localhost:8000/admin

Known Bugs R-2
- Doctor edits an event, changes duration, saves, goes back to edit the event, the duration is reset to 30 mins
- New registered doctor, with no patients, can go to create event and select a patient from his hospital and make an appointment with said patient (should only be allowed to make an appointment with patient connected with him)
- during patient registration incorrect password matching or taken username will redirect to insurance # instead of remaining on page
- Patient editing profile can change email to be improper
- Patient leaving editing profile without saving should prompt a warning message
- User creating an event that clicks away should prompt a warning message
- Admin discharging or admitting a patient Can get to the point but doesn't allow for "saving." says hospital field is needed but admin cannot edit it

Missing Features R-2
        - CSV EMR importing/exporting
        - Specific User Interface options

Released Features R-2 Beta
- Addition/removal of prescriptions by doctors to patients records
- Nurses can view patient prescriptions
- Doctors can view and edit the Patient EMR
- Patients are able to view test results only after doctors have released them
- User Activity is logged and The hospital Admin can view and search through it by date/time. 
- A doctor or nurse can admit a patient to the hospital and a doctor can discharge him/her
- Administrators/Doctors can transfer patients to other hospitals
- Doctors can upload test results for Patients (NOTE: Must pip install pillow!) 
- Exporting and importing CSV data for EMR information

Features in Release-1
-Registration of patients with proof of insurance
-Editing the profile of a patient, and can only be edited by that patient
-Event creation with events showing up on affecting users' calendars
-Viewing an event and it's details
-Doctors and Patients can delete an event
-Nurses can create events between different doctors and patients
-Events won't form when the doctor isn't located at location/hospital
-Logs created for various actions performed by users
-Logs can be viewed by admin
-Successful login of users registered in system
-Doctor viewing all of their patients
-EMR viewing and vital history

Cheers, _____
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