
Materials for exploring machine learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Dive into machine learning with our workshop series with content created by the officers at Developer Students Club and ACM Education


Intro To Python

Learn Python, an increasingly popular and powerful programming language. Python is a great beginner language that is quick to learn and extremely versatile. It can be used to build software, analyze data, and create machine learning models. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Python to get you feeling confident and comfortable with programming logic.


Evelyn Le
Bryant Hou
Abhejay Murali

Explore ML

What is AI and Machine Learning? Curious about intuition behind Machine Learning models? In this workshop, you'll learn Linear Regression model to predict house prices, Logistic Regression model to classify Iris flower types along with intuitive math formulas and steps to train a model


Dat Ngo
Ashwin Somasundaram
Vincent Vu
Reshmi Ranjith

Advanced ML

Learn Advanced ML techniques such as: Computer Vision, Natural Language Understanding, and etc.


Dat Ngo
Ashwin R.
Alex O


ExploreML uses TrackIT, a product by ACM Development, to deliver our workshops. You can acccess step-by-step workshop content at any point at https://trackit.acmutd.co/ using the following codes (case sensitive):

  • "Intro To Python"
  • "Linear Regression"
  • "Logistic Regression"
  • "Name Entity Recognition"

Repo structure

  • Intro To Python
    • Intro_1.ipynb
    • Intro_2.ipynb
    • NumPy.ipynb
  • Explore ML
    • Linear Regression.ipynb
    • Logistic Regression.ipynb
    • More Resources
      • Pandas.ipynb
      • Seaborn.ipynb
      • Scikitlearn.ipynb
  • Advancd ML
    • BiLSTM-CRF
    • Mask-RCNN

Organization Information

Do join our Discord and mailing lists to get updates on workshops and events, along with meeting peers and officer with the same interests as you

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UTD DSC ACM Education