Primary LanguagePython

Deploying Flask application with gunicorn and docker containers

├── data                         
│   ├── exercise_26_test.csv    # Test data
│   └── exercise_26_train.csv   # Train data
├── models                      # Saved pickle models
│   ├── imputer.pkl             # Imputer fitted with train data
│   ├── logit.pkl               # Classsification model
│   ├── mld_metadata.json       # Top ranking features 
│   └── std_scaler.pkl          # Standard scaler 
├── tests                       # Unit tests and test data
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── data.json           # Data samples 
│   │   └── schema.json         # JSON schema
│   ├── functional
│   │   └── test_service.py     # Unit test for ML service app
│   ├── unit
│   │    └── test_model.py      # Unit test for MODELApi library
│   └── conftest.py             # Pytest fixtures
├── config.py                   # Configuration file
├── Dockerfile                  # Dockerfile to build docker container
├── model.py                    # MODELApi library to build ML model
├── requirements.txt            # Package requirements
├── run_api.sh                  # Build and run docker instance
├── service.py                  # Flask api app
└── utils.py                    # Helper fucntions