
Artifact for "Optimizing Away JavaScript Obfuscation" paper

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "Optimizing Away JavaScript Obfuscation".


  • Bash
  • GNU parallel
  • Nodejs
  • Scala
  • Python tabulate package


Clone the repo:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/DSTCyber/safe-deobs-evaluation.git

Build safe-deobs:

cd safe-deobs-evaluation/safe-deobs
export SAFE_HOME=$(pwd)
sbt compile
cd ..

Check which samples are parsable:

./01-parse.sh /path/to/output/dir

Normalize dataset:

./02-normalize.sh /path/to/output/dir

Remove duplicate files:

./03-dedup.sh /path/to/output/dir

Deobfuscate the samples:

./04-deob.sh /path/to/output/dir

Generate complexity reports:

./05-cr.sh /path/to/output/dir

Summarise complexity statistics:

./06-cr.py /path/to/output/dir