#Java exercise for didactics

  • A collection of smal sample coming from the lessons of John Purcell about Multithreading an Advanced Java topics.
  • All example have been developed and compiled in Java 1.8.x and Ecplise Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
  • All example are written and tested by DSalvigni
  • centralino -> Example of Call center Multithreading
  • deadlock -> Example of deadlock for 2 concurrent Threads
  • enum -> Enumerators in Java
  • executors -> Alternative use of threads: Executors Class
  • hashmap -> Array, Hashmap, Iterator, Lynkedlist
  • increment -> Concurrency: Increment of shared variable
  • polimorfismo -> Inehritance of classes
  • prod-cons -> Example of Prod-Cons
  • producer_consumer -> Complete Producer-Consumer pattern
  • recursion -> Fibonacci & Factorial recursion
  • runnable -> Alternative way for calling threads: Runnable interface
  • runner -> A simple runner with run() method
  • scanner -> Use of scanner class
  • serialize -> Objects serialization: example from Obj to dat file (.TXT)
  • thread -> Again a simple Thread program