
Simple Telegram Bot for educational purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Telegram Bot

This is a very simple bot to demonstrate the Power of Bots.

How to use this Bot

1. Prepare this tool

  1. Install node.js
  2. copy config.sample.json to config.json

2. Create Telegram Group

Write -> New Group -> One Person -> Name

3. Get Invite Link for Class

Group Info > Add Member > Invite to Group via Link

--> Add API to config.json

4. Create a Bot

Chat to BotFather > /newbot > Name > Username

5. Invite Bot to Group

Search Bot > Dots > Add to Group

6. Allow Bot to Read Messags

Chat to BotFather > /setprivacy > Botname > Disable

7. Post a Message to the Group as You

Something, it does not matter

8. Get your ID

Browser: https://api.telegram.org/botTOKEN/getUpdates

"from": {
"id": 2016194232,

--> add the id as "like" to config.json

9. You may also fill the "dislike" config

As in Step 8. Just let some other person write a message

10. Start Bot

node index.js

The Bot will now Support you :-)