
Solidity Tutorial Follow-Along

Primary LanguageSolidity

Solidity Tutorials

This is my follow along from multiple solidity tutorials.


CTRL+Shift+P > 'keyboard shortcuts' VS KeyBoard Shortcuts:here

  • settings > 'python formatting' > 'python>formatting: black'

-pip install py-solc-x (more actively maintained than py-solc)

1. Simple Storage.

  • basic set and retrieve contract
  • storage factory contract to create muliple simple storage contracts for different users.

2. Fund Me

  • a contract that can get funding over a specific amount.

3. Web3.py

  1. Deploy Simple Storage with Python

    • pip install black

    In VS Code,


  • Interact with SimpleStorage using brownie framework


- init               Initialize a new brownie project
- bake               Initialize from a brownie-mix template
- pm                 Install and manage external packages
- compile            Compile the contract source files
- console            Load the console
- test               Run test cases in the tests/ folder
- run                Run a script in the scripts/ folder
- accounts           Manage local accounts
- networks           Manage network settings
- gui                Load the GUI to view opcodes and test coverage
- analyze            Find security vulnerabilities using the MythX API

-Deploying to testnet/mainnet brownie run SCRIPT --network rinkeby

Brownie Fund Me

  • import FundMe contract and deploy.
  • verify smart contract on Etherscan

Manually Verify

  1. Verify Contract: HERE
  2. Enter code for smart contract
    • imports with '@' wont work! Etherscan doesnt know NPM
    • Code needs to be flattened

Brownie Verify

  1. Get API Key from Etherscan.io
  2. Add API key to .env file
  3. Add Publish to contract deployment

Verify on local ganache

2 Problems: - priceFeed contract address is hardcoded to rinkeby network - not on the local ganache brownie uses Solutions - Forking - Mocking

  • paramaterize the FundMe smart contract
    • add to constructor which price feed to use on deploy
  • pass price feed address on deploy function
  • create addresses for different newtorks in brownie-config.yaml
  • if not on development network us a mock

Mock contracts go in contracts/test folder

  • publish source also must be determined by current chain set in brownie-config.yaml
  • add deploy mock to functions.py

Adding networks to brownie

'brownie networks add '