
WindowMonitor displays a scalable DWM thumbnail for a selected window

Primary LanguageC++


WindowMonitor displays a scalable DWM thumbnail for a selected window. (Download)


  • Resize window to set scale
  • Drag with Left Mouse to move window
  • Hold Shift and drag Left Mouse to pan view
  • Hold Control and drag Left Mouse to crop view
  • Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab cycles through available sources
  • Right Mouse click or Shift+F10 opens context menu
  • F5 resets view
  • F6 toggles fullscreen mode

Main features for v1.1.0

  • Presets context menu
  • Fullscreen menu option
  • Checkmark indicators for selected menu options
  • Preset is saved when enter is pressed while editing title

Secret features

  • F12 toggles window click-though mode (disables mouse interaction with window)
  • Optional blacklist.txt for basic additional window filtering

Format is <title_regex><tab><windowclass_regex>, one line per entry. Either <title_regex> or <windowclass_regex> can be omitted, but the tab character must be included if omitting <title_regex>.

Example 1, filtering Visual Studio:

^.*Microsoft Visual Studio.*$	^HwndWrapper\[.*\]$

Example 2, filtering Explorer windows:
