
plotspict.compare legend is on top of production curve

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Effectively hiding the production curve

New default and new argument plot.legend that allows to control the legend plotting. By default legend is plotted underneath multipanel plot, by setting argument to 2, legend is plotted in last panel, and no legend by setting argument to FALSE.


fit <- fit.spict(pol$albacore)

inp <- pol$albacore
inp$priors$logn <- c(log(2),0.0001,1)
fit1 <- fit.spict(inp)

inp <- pol$albacore
inp$priors$logn <- c(log(1.001),0.0001,1)
fit2 <- fit.spict(inp)


plotspict.compare(fit,fit1,fit2, plot.legend = 2)

plotspict.compare(fit,fit1,fit2, plot.legend = FALSE)```

suggestion submitted to dev