Pixel Fun

Team members: Jiaxue Li, Ziming Jia, Di Tang


1 Overall

PixelFun App You can create your own pixel artworks and share it with other people in the community.

2 Development Environment

  • Platform: IOS/ANDROID
  • Frontend: ReactNative
  • Backend: Firebase

3 Code Structure

  • The assets folder contains all the non-code elements like image, gif etc. we use in our develpoment.
  • The Component folder contains all the Card, input, submit, and upload features of our development.
  • The screens folder contains all the pages we have in our application.

4 Install

  • React Native Install
  • Npm install/ yarn add
  • Expo install

5 How to Run

cd and run command line as expo start.

Please use a simulator because there would not be any user interaction with browser.

6 Citations