
Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation. Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han. (NeurIPS 2021)

Primary LanguagePython

Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation


All dependencies are included in requirements.txt. To install, run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


We provide code for our experiments on CUB-200 and Stanford Cars.

Data preparation

By default, we put the datasets in /data/datasets/ and save trained models in ./data/experiments/ (soft link is suggested).

  • For CUB-200 dataset, download the dataset here and put the unzipped data to /data/dataset/cub200/
  • For Stanford-Cars dataset, download the dataset here and put the unzipped data to /data/dataset/cars/

Example training and testing split of CUB-200 and Stanford-Cars are presented in json format in the asset folder. The format of the dataset json is as follows:

    "path_type": "absolute",
    "nr_class": 200, // int, number of all classes,
    "info_dicts": [{
        "path": "/path/to/image.jpg",
        "label": 0,
    }, ...]

Due to the randomness of spliting the data, the final result should be an average of randomly split the dataset for several times.

Self-supervised pretraining

We use MoCoV2 with the ResNet50 backbone pretrained on ImageNet-1k for 800 epochs to initialze our model. The pretrained model can be downloaded from the original repo here.

Novel category discovery on CUB200/Stanford-Cars

# Train and evaluation on CUB-200 
python3 ncd.py --custom_run cub --mode train --model_name resnet_fgvc --method gp --cls_num_from_json --moco_path /path/to/mocov2/ckpt --label_json_path_train asset/cub_novel_80_train.json --label_json_path_val asset/cub_novel_80_test.json --unlabel_json_path_train asset/cub_novel_20_train.json --unlabel_json_path_val asset/cub_novel_20_test.json

# Train and evaluation on Stanford-Cars
python3 ncd.py --custom_run cars --mode train --model_name resnet_fgvc --method gp --cls_num_from_json --moco_path /path/to/mocov2/ckpt --label_json_path_train asset/cars_novel_80_train.json --label_json_path_val asset/cars_novel_80_test.json --unlabel_json_path_train asset/cars_novel_20_train.json --unlabel_json_path_val asset/cars_novel_20_test.json

Pretrained weight

Our pretrained weight for ResNet50 can be accessed from here


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper

 author     = {Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han},
 title      = {Novel Visual Category Discovery with Dual Ranking Statistics and Mutual Knowledge Distillation},
 booktitle  = {Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
 year       = {2021}