Accepted paper in IJCAI2019, 'Deep Light-Field-Driven Saliency Detection from A Single View', Yongri Piao, Zhengkun Rong, Miao Zhang, Xiao Li and Huchuan Lu.
- This dataset consists of DUTLF-MV, DUTLF-FS and DUTLF-Depth.
- The dataset will be expanded to 3000 or so real scenes.
- We are working on it and will make it publicly available soon.
- DUTLF-MV is part of DUTLF, which consists of 1580 real scenes.
- Each scene of this dataset consists of an all-focus image, multi-view images and a corresponding ground truth.
- Dataset can be downloaded from here. Code: 9c7k
- Training set: 1100 samples before data augmentation
- Testing set: 480 samples
- Windows 10
- Tensorflow 1.10.0
- CUDA 9.0
- Cudnn 9.0
- Python 3.6.5
- Numpy 1.14.3
- Download pretrained vgg-19.npy from here. Code: yiov
- Hyperparameter: is_training=1
- Modify your path of training dataset
- Run Main_model
- cd 'your path'/logs, tensorboard --logdir=train
- Download pretrained model from here. Code: eu72
- Hyperparameter: is_training=0
- Modify your path of testing dataset
- Run Main_model to generate saliency maps, synthesized mutli-view images and depth maps
Saliency maps of this paper can be downloaded BaiduYun. Code: 2jl0
Contact: Zhengkun Rong. Email: or