
JavaScript class for dealing with HTML5 GamePad API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#gamepadder 0.5.2

gamepadder is a basic JavaScript class for dealing with the intricacies of the HTML 5 Gamepad API.

It currently has fully supported mappings, button naming, and controller naming for these controllers:

  • Sony Dual Shock 4
  • Sony Dual Shock 3
  • XBox 360 Controller

Future updates will add more controller support and also provide mechanisms for more easily checking for button presses. Currently, you need to call the GamePadder.checkForButtonPress() method in your game's loop and pass it the gamepad object that you want to check for button presses. This will be updated to allow a single gamepad method to be used to check every connected gamepad for button presses.


Install the package:

npm install @dvdagames/gamepadder

You can use Gamepadder like this:

import { Gamepadder, GamepadderUtils } from 'gamepadder';

const numberOfPlayers = 1;

class Game {
  init() {
    if (!('ongamepadconnected' in window)) {
      //No gamepad events available, poll instead.
      this.checkForGamePadsInterval = setInterval(this.pollGamepads.bind(this), 500);


  pollGamepads() {
    const gamepads = GamepadderUtils.getGamepads();

    if(gamepads.length) {
      gamepads.forEach((pad, index) => {
        game.controllers[index] =  new Gamepadder(pad);

      if(gamepads.length === numberOfPlayers) {

  addListeners() {
    this.controllerConnectedEvent = window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', (e) => {
      console.log('gamepad connected');

      const controller = new Gamepadder(e.gamepad);

      if(!this.controllers[controller.id]) {
        this.controllers[controller.id] = {

      this.controllerDisconnectedEvent = window.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', (e) => {
        console.log('gamepad disconnected');
        this.controllers.splice(e.gamepad.id, 1);

  tick(event) {
    const gamepads = this.getGamepads();

    this.controllers.forEach((controller, index) => {
      let buttonPresses;
      let previousButtons;

      const buttonPressObject = controller.checkForButtonPress(gamepads[index]);

      buttonPresses = buttonPressObject.buttonPresses;
      previousButtons = buttonPressObject.previousButtons;

      //logic to respond to button presses here

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const game = new Game();



Gamepadder needs your help!

The more controller mappings we can generate, the better. If you have a controller or any input mapping software that you use, please head to the HTML5 Gamepad Tester and then fill out the template below:

  vendor: '054c', //found after the "Vendor:" in the controller name
  product: '05c4', //found after the "Product:" in the controller name
  name: 'Dual Shock 4', //name of the controller, if it doesn't have a specific name, use the manufacturer and abbreviated model number like Logitech F310
  buttonMap: [
    'X', //What controller button corresponds to B0?
    'Circle', //What controller button corresponds to B1?
    'Square', //What controller button corresponds to B2?
    'Triangle', //What controller button corresponds to B3?
    //... and continue until you've mapped all the buttons
  stickMap: [
    'LX', //Which stick and axis is Axis 0?
    'LY', //Which stick and axis is Axis 1?
    'RX', //Which stick and axis is Axis 2?
    'RY' //Which stick and axis is Axis 3?
    //.. and continue until you've mapped all the analog sticks

If you are comfortable with GitHub and Pull Requests, feel encouraged to submit button mapping PRs with updates to mappings/typemap.js and adding a new button map class for your controller to the mappings directory.

If you aren't comfortable with GitHub and Pull Requests, feel free to add the filled out template above to a GitHub Issue and we'll get your controller added.