
Chia Proof of Space library

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Chia CLI plotter - plotter with automatic ID generation and bucket sorting in RAM

  • Built-in plot ID generation for provided farmer(-F param) and public key(-p) ** ID generator is prebuilt in DLL so no need for rebuilding difficult to build crypto stuff
  • Automatically build multiple plots with -n param (just like with full Chia suite)
  • Sort directly in RAM ** Currently makes sorting 30% faster ** still uses SSD for caching tables but all sorting buckets are now kept in memory ** No RAMdisk or any other abstractions just using big buffers and bitsets hence 180GB RAM usage and 1GB stack size YOLO ** To make this viable better CPU parallelization is still required
  • Only native - no need for Python to build or run
  • Dynamic library IdgenLib.dll is currently built for Windows so will need some work to be playable on other platforms
  • Not sure if the last plots were valid, some stuff might need to be commented out to allow generating valid plots

Usage - prebuilt

Warning! Requires at least 256GB RAM for k32 plots

  • Plotter.exe create -k 28 -F farmer_key -p pool_key
  • prebuilt version is in BIN folder
  • (optional) after building your own Plotter.exe make sure to add IdgenLib.dll to it's folder

Windows development

Common steps

  • Install VSCode and C++ extension
  • The extensions should automatically detect GCC, MSBUILD or Clang - if installed


  • Install Visual Studio v16(not 2016 but 2019 v16 preview) with Windows SDK and C++ stuff
  • Optionally add CLANG for another compilation alternative


  • Install MSys2 and follow this manual to install mingw64 https://www.msys2.org/
  • Add mingw64 /bin folder to path - default is C:\msys2\mingw64\bin
  • Install CMake and add to path
  • configure mingw64 path in .vscode/tasks.json and gdc in .vscode/launch.json

Building BLS-Signature

  • Good luck in Windows, hence the pre-built DLL included in /lib/include/IdgenLib.dll that must be placed next to Plotter.exe(or added to PATH)


Chia Proof of Space

Build PyPI PyPI - Format GitHub

Total alerts Language grade: Python Language grade: C/C++

Chia's proof of space is written in C++. Includes a plotter, prover, and verifier. It exclusively runs on 64 bit architectures. Read the Proof of Space document to learn about what proof of space is and how it works.

C++ Usage Instructions


# Requires cmake 3.14+

mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -- -j 6

Run tests


CLI usage

./ProofOfSpace -k 25 -f "plot.dat" -m "0x1234" create
./ProofOfSpace -k 25 -f "final-plot.dat" -m "0x4567" -t TMPDIR -2 SECOND_TMPDIR create
./ProofOfSpace -f "plot.dat" prove <32 byte hex challenge>
./ProofOfSpace -k 25 verify <hex proof> <32 byte hex challenge>
./ProofOfSpace -f "plot.dat" check <iterations>


time ./ProofOfSpace -k 25 create

Hellman Attacks usage

There is an experimental implementation which implements some of the Hellman Attacks that can provide significant space savings for the final file.

./HellmanAttacks -k 18 -f "plot.dat" -m "0x1234" create
./HellmanAttacks -f "plot.dat" check <iterations>


Finally, python bindings are provided in the python-bindings directory.


python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install .

Run python tests

Testings uses pytest. Linting uses flake8 and mypy.

py.test ./tests -s -v

ci Building

The primary build process for this repository is to use GitHub Actions to build binary wheels for MacOS, Linux (x64 and aarch64), and Windows and publish them with a source wheel on PyPi. See .github/workflows/build.yml. CMake uses FetchContent to download pybind11. Building is then managed by cibuildwheel. Further installation is then available via pip install chiapos e.g.

Contributing and workflow

Contributions are welcome and more details are available in chia-blockchain's CONTRIBUTING.md.

The main branch is usually the currently released latest version on PyPI. Note that at times chiapos will be ahead of the release version that chia-blockchain requires in it's main/release version in preparation for a new chia-blockchain release. Please branch or fork main and then create a pull request to the main branch. Linear merging is enforced on main and merging requires a completed review. PRs will kick off a GitHub actions ci build and analysis of chiapos at lgtm.com. Please make sure your build is passing and that it does not increase alerts at lgtm.