
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Doo-Sabin subdivision

Subdivision surfaces enable modelling of smooth surfaces using only a coarse control mesh. For example, the blue Doo-Sabin surface above is defined entirely by the positions of the 14 control vertices (gray). In fact, it is actually the surface "discovered" by repeatedly refining (subdividing) the control mesh (left to right).

The primary purpose of this repository is to enable straightforward use of subdivision surfaces by providing the code required for fast and exact evaluation of surface points and derivatives. Currently, only the code for Doo-Sabin subdivision surfaces is available, but the code for Loop subdivision surfaces will be added in due course.

Author: Richard Stebbing

License: MIT (refer to LICENSE).


Uniform quadratic B-splines define smooth curves which are parameterised by a finite number of control vertices. Biquadratic B-splines and quadratic triangle B-splines are generalisations which define surfaces, where the influence of each control vertex is specified by its index in a regular quadrilateral or triangle mesh. For general meshes containing irregularities (e.g. non-quadrilateral faces, vertices with valency not equal to four/six) biquadratic and triangle B-splines cannot be applied directly. Instead, subdivision is necessary to refine the control mesh to "uncover" regular patches. To this end, the Doo-Sabin algorithm generalises biquadratic B-splines to general meshes, and the Loop subdivision algorithm generalises quadratic triangle B-splines to irregular triangle meshes.

Unlike their regular counterparts, evaluating positions and derivatives on Loop and Doo-Sabin subdivisions surfaces is more involved. This repository provides the code necessary to (a) understand subdivision surface evaluation, (b) enable straightforward adoption and evaluation of subdivision surfaces, and (c) verify properties of the first and second derivatives for each surface type.




  • matplotlib
  • VTK

Doo-Sabin Subdivision Surfaces



The Surface class in doosabin.h implements the methods for evaluating positions and derivatives of points on a Doo-Sabin subdivision surface.

To build the test under cpp/doosabin:

  1. Run CMake with an out of source build.
  2. Set EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR to the full path up to and including eigen3/.
  3. Set COMMON_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR to the full path to rstebbing/common/cpp. (Add -std=c++11 to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS if compiling with gcc.)
  4. Configure.
  5. Build.


To build the Cython extension module and install subdivision as a package (either globally or under a virtualenv):

  1. Set EIGEN_INCLUDE and COMMON_CPP_INCLUDE in site.cfg.
  2. Build the Python package: python setup.py build. (Use export CFLAGS=-std=c++11 beforehand if compiling with gcc.)
  3. Install: python setup.py install.

To visualise the Doo-Sabin surface defined by a subdivided cube, from the examples directory and with rstebbing/common installed:

python doosabin/visualise_subdivision.py cube

More generally, to evaluate points uniformly distributed across a surface defined by the mesh T and matrix of control vertices X:

>>> import doosabin
>>> surface = doosabin.surface(T)
>>> pd, Ud, Td = surface.uniform_parameterisation(sample_density)
>>> M = surface.M(pd, Ud, X)

where sample_density is a positive integer controlling the number of evaluated points and M is the matrix of evaluated points.


From this directory:

  • Evaluate points on an extraordinary patch containing a face with 6 sides and show 2 applications of Doo-Sabin subdivision:

    python verification/doosabin/evaluation.py 6 2
  • Show the magnitudes of the first and second derivative weight vectors (evaluated numerically) as the position being evaluated tends to the origin:

    python verification/doosabin/derivatives_numeric.py 6 16
  • Evaluate the same vectors symbolically:

    python verification/doosabin/derivatives_symbolic.py 6 16

Loop Subdivision Surfaces


From this directory:

  • Evaluate points on an extraordinary patch containing a vertex with valency 5 and show 2 applications of Loop subdivision:

    python verification/loop/evaluation.py 5 2
  • Show the magnitudes of the first and second derivative weight vectors (evaluated numerically) as the position being evaluated tends to the origin:

    python verification/loop/derivatives_numeric.py 5 16