
The nub of an idea. A good starting point for the hacks we make at Makeshift. Rails, Postgres, Cancan, Devise, Haml, Sass, Resque, Rspec, Active Record Inline Schema

Primary LanguageRuby


The nub of an idea. This is a Rails app that we can clone when we want to do a hack. It includes the stuff we pretty much always seem to need so that we can cut down on boilerplate stuff and get to the core of the hack quicker.


  • Person - the "user", but we like to call them people
  • PersonMeta - some basic recording of visitor metadata
  • Identity - a method the person uses to authenticate (they could have more than one)
  • Role - what they're allowed to do

Things we use

  • Devise + Omniauth/Twitter for auth
  • Cancan + Rolify for permissions
  • Compass + Susy + Makeshift baseline SASS for styles
  • Resque for background jobs
  • Memcache + Dalli for caching
  • Mandrill for transactional emails

Analytics + third party APIs

  • Intercom for speaking to users
  • Mixpanel
  • Google Analytics


  • Clone this repo.
  • Create a new postgres database - createdb some_app_development --user postgres
  • Create a database YAML file - copy config/database.yml.example
  • Create a .env file based on .env.example
  • Add a Twitter app on http://dev.twitter.com and put the credentials in .env
  • Start the app with foreman start -f Procfile.dev